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PACT, SHADOW, ND TRUENAME Matthew Sernett Ari Marmell David Noonan Robert J. Schwalb DESIGNERS Marruzw Seener, Ant Maret, Dayip Noonan, Rowexr J. SouwaLs DEVELOPMENT TEAM Any Cotins, Jesse Decen, Mix Dowats, ‘Stave Scrunani, Ros WATKINS EDITORS Cunis THomasson, M. ALExanpen JouKAr, Penny WILLIAMS EDITING MANAGER Kim Mona DESIGN MANAGER (Canisrorier Prakrys DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Jesse DecxeR DIRECTOR OF REG R&D BILL Stavicsex PRODUCTION MANAGERS (Jose Fiscue, Ranpatt. Cuzws SENIOR ART DIRECTOR RPG R&D Stacr Loxosrager ART DIRECTOR D&D Kan Jacurs COVER ARTIST Top Lockwoon INTERIOR ARTISTS Ep Cox, Cant Crrrontow, Daanxen, Warne ENGLAND, Cant Faanx, Baran Hacan, Mrcuaet Komancx, Howanp Lron, Curis Matipone, Raven Moons, Locto PankiLLo, Micnaet Pui.ciert, Eaic PoLax, Sreve Parscor7, Scorr Rottzx, Jort Txomas, Frawers Tsai, Faanz VORWINKEL, Janes Zane CARTOGRAPHER Mie Souter GRAPHIC DESIGNER Kanin Jaques GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST ‘Awontika Loxorz IMAGE TECHNICIAN Ceusrea Wrire Sore information in thie book is taken fiom or derived fiom “Lord of Darkness” by Nicholas J Thalasnos apd “Shadow’s City” by Philip Larwood, both originally presented in isue #322 of Dragon Magazine, Ese on the origial Deserons & Dons ues crated F-Gy Oye sl Dave Arneson, andthe nen Denczons & Duss game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard aker, and Peter Adkison, ‘This product uss updated material from the v3 revision ‘This Woeauns or ze Coasr® game produce contains no Open Game Content, No portion of this work may he reproduced in any form wichout wrtten permission, To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit www. ‘wizards

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