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My Chair

Oh, what a cool fellow

My companion, at the most lonely moments!
My solace, my rest, my firm anchor to the earth beneath
My friend in solitary reverie, succour to nerves and legs.

When the mind goes blank and the

Computer despairs with viral attacks
Files lost, gibberish, when mocking letters prevail
When confusion reigns.

My companion, robust, restful and unmoved

Solace, a link to Mother beneath
My friend... has a special spirit
That of the terra firma it rests upon.

Provides, never expects

Carries, does not protest
Lasts forever, years and years
Serving every day with verve

Generations he waits on and

Takes the condescension “Grandfather chair” with grace.
Witness to thoughts, silent and solid
Company to more than three generations.

No one to sing praise

Nor provide place of pride.
Gets no head or heart or hands for company.
It withstands weight and abuse.

Heads think, hearts feel, hands do.

Not such functions for his company...
Lowly bottoms, mocked … laughed at and not
Mentioned in blue-blooded company!

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