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5/1/2019 Virginia Beach City Public Schools Mail - Senior Project


Senior Project
JACOB PHILLIPS <> Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 10:46 AM
To: "Gary L. Hodges" <>

Mr. Hodges,
I just wanted to update you on the status of my project. Flyers are done! FINALLY! I have started talking to classes (btw
could I come into your 3A class on Tuesday?). I actually ran out of flyers in the two classes I talked to (there were 30)
so I think that is a good indicator of strong interest. Now, I just need to contact the binding company. If you have any
thoughts on anything at all, I'm always happy to hear them.
Jacob Phillips

I decided to open the collection up to teachers, so If you want to contribute, feel free to do so. Also, could you circulate
the opportunity to other teachers as well? I'll try my best to spread the word to teachers I know, but I would like all the
teachers in the building to have the opportunity.… 1/1

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