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Sydney Dominique

English 101


Self-Reflection of Visual Rhetorical Analysis

My approach to writing this essay was to first start by filling so my thoughts could start flowing
and the ideas could start coming in on how I wanted to approach this essay. To fully get the ideas to
come in I did some research on Aussie Moist and the reviews of the products they have, I did this to
understand what the purpose of this company was and who their audience was. In this essay I feel I did
well when it came to explain the difference rhetoric devices and going in depth in what each was and
how the advertisement hit each of those points. I think I could work on following directions a lot better,
in the rubric it said not to use definitions and when it came to the rough draft, I had a lot of definitions
which shows just how something as simple can easily fly over my head and can have a damaging affect
to my grade. I learned that it’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to not know how to start an essay, but
when it comes time for the final draft make sure you take out all of the fillers. Most of the papers I’ve
usually done occurred in High school and it’s finally hit me that this isn’t high school, I can’t get away
with the certain things I used to be able to get away with and that’s okay as long as I’m open to revive
criticism and fix the ways I’m used to doing things.

Rhetorical Analyses

When looking at the 4 types of ways people deliver their messages, the ones that can be applied
to a Television commercial are the Multimodal, The spoken and Visual deliveries. The multimodal uses
pictures, audios and etc. to get their message out which is overall what a Television commercial consists
of. The spoken delivery is how the rhetor says certain things, which can be the tone or how soft-spoken
they’re talking and if they are being loud or animated. The visual delivery can also be applied because it
consists of the background of a commercial. If it’s a serious topic the background might be plain white or
black with the focus point being what they want, you to focus more on. If they use bright colors the
mood might be light-hearted or kind, but dark and gloomy colors might portray a more serious tone and
that might be the message the rhetor is trying to portray.

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