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D’Andre Jimenez

Emily Litle

Eng. 121

15 March 2019

Journal #6

The Make- A-Wish Foundation is a non-profit organization that gives children that have

been diagnosed with a life threatening illness a chance to do something they have always dreamt

of doing. In 2019, more than 315,000 children in the United States have been granted a wish.

Make-A-Wish granted 15,600 wishes last year alone – on average, one every 34 minutes. But for

every wish granted, another child is diagnosed with a potentially qualifying condition. A child

who needs a wish. We all look forward to the day when no more children have life-threatening

medical conditions. Until that time, Make-A-Wish remains committed to a vision of granting a

wish to every eligible child. Because wishes make very sick kids feel better – and sometimes,

when they feel better, they get better.

This foundation is important to me because just recently my cousin, Draiden Valencia,

got diagnosed with leukemia. This is a form of Cancer that affects your blood and your blood

cells. My cousin is just Nine years old and when he was diagnosed we couldn't help but wonder

why a kid that young had to fight through that. The Make-A-Wish foundation helps kids like my

cousin, take their mind off the sickness a little bit and allows them to have fun and smile while

they are fighting for their life. There are many other smaller foundations like this but this one is

the biggest and influence people to get out and start up more just like this one to help other
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people that need it. With programs like this, people will be more motivated to get better and get

better without even noticing they are getting better and stronger.


​“About Us.” ​Make-A-Wish® America​,

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