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How to prepar typical food of Honduras

Serving for 2 persons


1 Mature platan

2 cups of beans

1/2 cup of White rice precooked

2 Eggs

4 tortillas or bread

Salt to taste

Olive oil the necesary


Cut mature platan in small pieces , heat a fryer and add olive oil then put mature platan in
enough oil that cover it. Leave firing approximately for one minute for each side, then remove.

- Use two cups of beans previously cooked , hot in the microwave of two to three minutes
- In a fryer add half cup of White rice precooked and a cup and half of wáter hot add a pinch
of salt. Let stand until wáter is evaporate and remove from heat.
- In a fryer add a small amount of olive oil ,let it heating and put a egg, hot untill it cook.
Repeat with other egg.

Serve in equal portions , accompany whit tortilla or bread.

This delicious dish can be accompanied whith coffee or hot chocolate .

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