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Dear One,

I see you reaching

For so very many things
So many dreams
Some will come true
Others will not
Some will allude you like a thief in the night
There will be cold dark days of hell
Nights of endless wonder
And many many days of pain
You will be surprised by who you love
Who will stand by you and who will not
And the ones that will break you
You will have days of rejoicing
But it is the pain that will make you
Get up from the cold floor
Take a step and then a few more
Keep reaching as high as you can
Until your arms ache and your back breaks
And your legs quiver and quake
You will never lose more than you can
You will never achieve if you don’t get up again
You will never know love if you don’t open your heart
You cannot finish
If you are ashamed to start
So start dear one, start today
Climb every ladder and sing every song
Write every poem and love
Let yourself love and be loved
Lets see how much further we can go….

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