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At-home booty program TAMMY A M B R20 W Introduction I created thes pragrom for oll te lockes wanting to bud o bigger/perter booty ‘without having to goto the gym. The gym con be a great place to bud glutes: ‘but sometimes we just don't get a chance to make it there for one reason or another. Luckily for us, its totally possible to build o better butt at home with: ttle or no weights ‘Tammy's cating tips ‘APeoithy diet rich in protein s paroTnount to seeing success with any workout program, Here are some of my top tips when it comes to nutrition: (OL Ext 4-6 meols a day 02, Drink ALOT of wotert Atleast 3 Litres a day: (03, Eat good sources of protein such (3 fish, ean meat (turkey, chicken ‘breast, kongoroo, lean beef), tofu eggs (04. Eat vagetables such as grean ‘beans, broecol, spinach, kale (05, Eot complex corte such a8 brown rice, sweet potato, weole gros, and quinoo (08.00 NOT eat any processed or fast food O7.00 NOT drink ony soft drinks (08. Try rot to drink too much ace or ‘eat too much fru as fruts contewn a Jot of sugar. Limit to 1-2 servings a day 09, Fee! free to hove a cheat meal ‘every 1-2 weeks if you think it will help ‘you stay on track, it wan't do any harm ‘end may actually benefit you 10, Get into a good steeping routine ‘by making sure youire getting enough sleep. going to sleep at the same ume ‘every night, and getting up early 1. Use coconut oll or macadamia oll for cooking 12. Try not to eat as many carbs ot ‘ight or when you are least active 13, Watch your portion size and eat ntl satiatied not unti you're stittect 14, Don't add salt. or sugar to any of your mets 1B. Drink a protein shoke straight after ‘your workout o¢ eat ahigh protein mec Secrets to staying motivated: OLSet goals that you want te achieve, Ithelos to hove specific gouls you are working towords to keep you focused (02. Moke working out part of your routine, Try to workout at the same ‘time whenever possible. This makes it ‘easiar for it to become a habit (03, Don't mate excuses! Most people lve very busy lives, but you hove to make your heath o priority. If that meant ypl harelts gat up estes ect Fo go to the gym, then oo it ‘©4..0n the days that you don't feel Ike working out. don't think about it ‘ord just go do it! The longer you think ‘bout it the more fkely itis thot you won't do it Just get started ond you wil be happy you tic 05. Romind yourself that: you need to bbe consistent if you want to see results 06. Losty, take photos! Its easter to stay on trock once you stort seeing changes. So toke progress photos every couple of weeks (and remember tohoshtog fttammyhembrawft or tag mye so | can see your progress) TAMMYHEMBROW How to use this guide: ‘Complete the first 3 days of workouts for weeks 1-4 with at feast I day rest in between to allow muscies to recover. Then move on to the next 3 days for weeks S-& This means you workout using the program 3 days per week. What you need: ‘These exercises can be done with just bodyweight but Ilighty recommend using dumbbells for the exercises. Using dumbbells that are heavy for you can bring ‘about better/faster rasults. If you use dumbbells, recommand using a woight that is heavy enough thot makes the last few reps quite cifficut. Remember: Mincl-muscle connection is SO important. You need to really focus on and ‘SQUEEZE your glutos as hard as you can uring the @xercisos, The more you practice ming-muscle connection the easier it wil become, Be sure to use slow and controlled movements, keeping the muscle under tension the entire time, Disclaimer We strongly advise that you consult with your physician before beginning this ‘workout program os not all exercises ore sultabla for detforent individuals ond levels of fitness. This program was built for healthy individuals wth o solid baseline of fitness, Tammy Hembrow has no medical experience or title and ‘connot suggest which exerciaes or workouts that well work for 0 specific individ This progiemis for educational poxpoees only end shoul not be used’ ax a substitute for professional medical advice. You should understand that when: {you are involved in ony exorcne or workout program, thera is the possibilty ot physica inpry I you ergoge in thia exercise or workeat procyem, you agree thet YOU do so ot your own risk cre voluntarily participating in these activites. ossurne i lak of inry to outset. egrea to ralenia ond achorge Tarneriy Hamistcne {rom any and ol ois or causes of actor known or unknown, arising out of Tomiry Hembrow’s negigence TAMMY HEMB ROW Ar -HoMe S007Y-PROGAAM.

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