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Weekly consultation report

On April 5/12/19 we had a consultation with Mr. Zewdu regarding on our thesis project.
The project was focused on conducting street sociability in Addis Ababa. Instructor Mr.
zewdu raised some basic question, at the objective of the study, title specification, what
is the problem statement and etc... In addition, he gave us 3 choices to decide where
we are conducting the research. The first one is making (conduct) the study on street
sociability at hierarchical level with in neighbored. Secondly, to conduct the project on
LRT area. the last one is making analysis by comparing the project site with another
street which has the same street hierarchy. also he try to show some techniques how to
analyze the datas, and some requirement which is to be done on the project .further
more he mentioned out some helpful website where we can get journals, articles and
research projects.finally.he recommend us to do a program schedule and consultation
report. So this will enable us to finish our project successfully within the given period of
time. Generally the consultation meeting was so nice and helpful.

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