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Assessment Results

After working with Juan for 4 weeks, it is evident that his comprehension in the Spanish

language significantly improved. Juan continued working on his PBAT presentation now

developing descriptive, cohesive sentences. He was now able to practice presenting his PBAT

project but now carries more meaningfulness in what he speaks. Juan did not only write in the

language, but he was able to explain what his sentences meant.

Data Analysis

Reflecting on the assessments collected from Juan’s work, it is evident there is a

qualitative, positive connection between bottom-up processing, sentence diagramming,

conjugation charts, and improved comprehension in a foreign language. Juan originally was able

to write simple sentences in Spanish when required. Now that he has new strategies that support

his work for his PBATs exam, Juan is now more confident in his ability to write compound

sentences abiding to the correct syntax.

Sentence Diagramming and Bottom-Up Processing have a great connection to help the

students struggling in the language. These strategies break down the sentences, and allow

students to understand what the words mean, and as a result, they are able to convey the message

in a more meaningful way.

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