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February 22, 2019

To Whom It May Concern,

It is a pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Anahi Trujillo, who is a focused; intelligent; and

model student.

Ms. Trujillo is one of my top students in my Government/Economics classes this academic year. I have

been impressed by her ability to think critically and analyze facts at a level that is well above her peer group. She is

not only a focused student who is always prepared, but is also a self-motivated young woman. Ms. Trujillo is a

quiet nature student who is a natural leader. She demonstrates the ability to lead by example and hard work

propels her peers to work harder.

I have had the privilege to get to know Ms. Trujillo and know her to be a passionate young woman who

loves learning. She is always excited to learn new things. This passion for learning is evident in her work as she

always submits high quality, timely assignments. She is focused and is determined to work hard to be successful in

life. There is nothing Ms. Trujillo is incapable of achieving if she sets her mind to it. Ms. Trujillo is a model student

and an amazing young woman. I have no doubt that she will be successful in this pursuit and will undoubtingly

achieve her goals.


Dr. A’Kiesha C. White, Esq.

U.S. Government/Economics Teacher
Sam Houston Math, Science, and Technology Center
9400 Irvington Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77076

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