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Chad Reilly

STC 201
Pitch Letter
Dear Adam Bankhurst,
My name is Chad Reilly and I am writing you today to talk about an upcoming Fun Run
sponsored by the company I work for, Reverb Communications. Reverb is hosting a
Fun Run that benefits the Humane Society! The event is this Saturday, May 4, and we
would love to offer ign the exclusive announcement for it. All the proceeds of this event
will benefit the Humane Society and we are trying to raise awareness by using the
hastag #funrunforkittens . We have stirred up quite a bit of attention and would love ign
to write about it on their website.
The reason I am contacting you is because you would be the perfect author to write
about this event based off your recent articles that were posted on ign, specifically your
article on Epic Games acquiring Psyonix. We actually worked with Psyonix when
Rocket League first came out and thought you did a great job of describing exactly what
happened with the change of ownership.
I would love to give you anymore details you need and would gladly get you in touch
with anyone at the company to discuss the Fun Run further. I look forward to speaking
to you soon and hope you seriously consider this exclusive we are offering.
Chad Reilly
PR Coordinator
Reverb Communications

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