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Olympic Lifting

2017 Jan-Apr

Produced by:
Anna Lundin
SATS ELIXIA Trainer Team
Prformance™ Olympic Lifting Jan 2017

Class part Time Exercise

Warm up 5 min 1. Dynamic warm up 1. Use sticks to warm up and
introduce the movements.

Technique 10 min 1.Go through technique on Mid hang high pull

5x3 rep.

1.Mid hang means above knee. Focus

on good technique with high pull,
shrugs activated.

Main part 10 min 2.5 set of 2x (1+1) 1 halting deadlift + 1 power 2.Work together with partner. Keep
snatch. the weight max 60% of 1RM. Halting
stops just under knee and then almost
with hip extended to keep chest up.
Then followed by a power snatch with

15 min 3. 4 position snatch (high, mid, low, floor) 3. Work together with partner and
focus on good flow and nice

Prformance™ Olympic Lifting Feb 2017

Class part Time Exercise
Warm up 5 min 1. Dynamic warm up 1. Use sticks to warm up and
introduce the movements.

Main part 6 min 1. Front squat 3x5 rep 1. First you show the technique and
then members work in pairs of two.
Make all find their rack position with
shoulders up front.
6 min 2. Muscle clean 5x3 rep
2. This makes you focus on your pull
and fast elbows.
15 min 3. 1 power clean + 2 power jerk
3. Keep weight light to moderate as
long as you do the lifts with solid

OTM x 4.1 squat clean + 1 front squat +1 split jerk 4.Everyone work alone and find a
10min challenging weight.
Prformance™ Olympic lifting Mars 2017
Class part Time Exercise Directives
Warm up 5min Dynamic warm up
Technique 10 min 1. Go through technique of Muscle snatch 3x3 1. Purpose is to train strength and
rep. power, pull and focus on extend your
hip. Start with a stick or light weight
and increase.

Main part
10 min 2. 5x3 rep of Snatch balance 2. This movement will make you faster
under the bar. Work in pair of two.

15 min 3. Build your 2RM in Snatch 3. Everyone work alone and find a
challenging weight. Remember Close,
fast, deep.

OTM x 4.1 Snatch deadlift + 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch 4. Time to do a complex

Sn and find, focus
5min on good startposition with chest up
and find your flow.

Prformance™ Olympic Lifting April 2017

Class part Time Exercise

Warm up 5min
Dynamic warm up
Technique 5 min Show technique of Tall Clean and then 5x3 rep The goal is to make you to make a
strong pull and get fast under the

Main part 10 min 1. 3x3 rep Clean high pull (80% av 1 RM 1. Start on floor and make members
i Clean). work on their pull, high shrugs, elbows
up and hip extended.
2. 2x5 rep Clean high pull (60%)
3. Put together Clean and Jerk and
3. Build your 1 RM Clean and Jerk work with good technique. Increase
10 min weight if technique is solid and you are
4. 2 Paused Front squats + 2 paused dip in control.
4. End this session with 2 paused
frontsquats in the bottom for 3sek and
then 2 paused dip squats. Important to
6min keep body move straight down under
bar. Chest up and eyefocus forward.

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