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The Art of sleeping Dr. Hamza Al-Hamzawi 1 Sleeping from 9 to 12 after isha: Sleeping during this time is most beneficial. One can get 80% of deep sleep. This time has 'Barake' int so 1hr of sleep=3 hrs of sleep During this time pineal gland produces ‘melatonin’ hormone provided (2condition: 1, There is darkness 2.One must be relaxing (if not sleeping) 2 Sleeping from 12 to 2: During this time there is 20% of deep sleep. Rest of the sleep is dream sleeping, not very useful. 1 hrsleep = 1 hrsleep. 3 From2to 5 before fajr: This isthe best time for memorizing, remembering Allah, Zikr, Istaghfar & mental Concentration 4 Sleeping during day (after fajr): Its not beneficial 3 hrs sleep = 1 hrsleep (absence of 'Barakah’ +Sluggishness + confusion + lack of focus) 5. Sleeping from fajr to sunrise: Pineal gland secrets another hormone ‘seretonium’. This one is released from fajr to sunrise time provided (2 conditions): ‘LThe person should be awake 2. with light movement like mental exercise like sitting remembering Allah. Thisis the time for zikr and to ponder and plan your day and your priorities. Exercises and strenuous movements should be done only after sunrise. The release of ‘melatonin’ by pineal gland decreases after 40 years and stops after 50. © Then a person has to utilize what he has stored in his body through out his life . So if a person get Alzheimer's and early dementia it means thathe had been sleeping late throughout his life.

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