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Are you trying to say that people should be forced to stay alive althought they are already
suffering with their illnesses or suffering with excruciating pain? Because if a person is
TERMINALLY ILL where if we were to define the word TERMINAL - it is a condition as one from
which death will occur in a relatively short time or in short, DEATH IS EXPECTED. I think if the
person is just supported with life support or the technology such as ventilator or feeding tube,
life is already meaningful and therre eally isn't any personhood left. So, isn't it allowing
people to die with dignity is kinder than forcing them to continue their lives in pain?

VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA - done with a consent of a patient; patient can withdraw those
treatment. And the intention here is not to cause the death of the patient but to let the natural
dying process to take over. So if the patient dies, he dies of the underlying disease that he has; it
center the patient's freedom to choose whether to live or die so the patient is the ne who
ultimately ends her own life.

INVOLUNTARY EUTHNASIA - against patient's wish to die; considered as muder of some

ACTIVE - killing a patient by active means; helpful since adequate pain relief is not effective;

PASSIVE - intenionally lettiing a patient die by withholding life support such as VENTILATOR or

In Nov. 2014 Britney Maynard a 29 year old woman with terminal brain cancer took her
own life surrounded by her loved ones by swallowing a lethal dose of legally prescribed pills. She
decided not to wait around, but instead to do it on her own terms.

Do you remember Jam Sebastian? The half of the Online youtube Sensation Jamich. He
did had a long battle of Stage 4 Cancer. He suffered so much that he did finally decided to seek
for Euthanasia. they decided to not continue the medication in Jam to end the pain he is
enduring. (Voluntay Passive Euthanasia)

Euthanasia can allow patients to die with dignity. This patient is usually living with a
terminal illness & this ilness cause them a lot of pain. In order to numb this by even just a little
bit they become addicted to painkiller like Morphinn & without them they will suffer more. Also,
bear in mind that the medical cost of the life supports are exorbitnt & not everyone can bear the
cost of it. So the patinet or if unconscious the relative opt for euthinizing their suffering family
member. This process of Euthanasia is done in such a way that the patient would not feel any
pain. This i the most humane way to end a person's life. Human have the right not to be forced
to suffer. Many people believe that hey have control over their own life. Symphatizing with pain
is very hard unless we personally experience the pain so we could not exactly know the pain of
critical patients. When we see them maybe we would think they are not suffering beacuse thay
are not moving but actually, they are suffering mentally. We have to allow euthanasia to reduce
the patient's pain. Euthanasia makes patients comfortable. Euthanasia is a practical solution&
acceptable in some cases. If you're in the situation you'llbe more practical & will set aside

Cost used in life conservation is enormous. It will make sense if the patient could be
healthy by the tretment but if the treatment is for only extending the life, it makes no sense at
all. It needs a lot of money to extend life. So treatment wil be a finincial burden to family.

Paradoxically, Euthanasia can save someone's life. Patient who died bu euthanasia can
donate the organ to sick people. So we cannot only reduce the pain of the crucial patient but
also spare someone's life.

Isn't it seeing a patient die peacefully with a smile on he patient's face is far more better
than those who are suffering at the very last moment.

The best way to honor the dignity of the person who once existed is to stop keeping her body
alive with machines.

We should respect one's choice.


1. If you aid your own death, it is considered as suicide & it is the ultimte sin.

Euthanasia gives the patient "right to die" especialy those who are terminally ill patient
which is to stop the excruciating painn. That is a private matter & if there is no harm to others,
the public should not interfere.

2. Laws have flaws.

Yolur do not have to worry about the regulations of euthanasia. Those in favor including
myself think that thee is no reason why it can be controlled by prper regulations. Laws &7
mandates could be implemented to prevent physicians from abusing the ct of Euthanasia. And
also, everythng you see today is governed by rules & regulations so I don't see why this is an

3. Euthanasia is murder

Euthanasia and Murder is basically different. Murder gives the pain to the victim but on
the other hand, Euthanasia is one's pain.

4. Euthanasia is suicide

Euthnasia is fundamentally different from suicide

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