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Ariana Martinez #15

Field Experience Assignment #1


1.A) What procedures teachers follow in the Parking lot, between classes, assemblies, & during
assigned/voluntary duties?

-There is one parking lot in the middle school which is for staff and visitor parking.

-The teachers are not required to watch over children during their shifts between time between classes.

-Most time between classes students approached the teacher with questions or statements.

-During assemblies, the teachers are assigned a section of the gym based on the hall their classroom is

-For any fundraisers or school dances that the teachers need/would like to participate in, they are
required to fill out paperwork that can be collected in the main office. This would then need to be
approved by the principle and coordinated.

B) What, if any, are the procedures and/or expectations for student behavior in the lunchroom, halls,
library, and computer lab?

-During the students' lunch time and transition between classes, the responsibility is passed on to the
hall monitors. Teachers are not expected to monitor these breaks. The hallways in this school are "one
way." If the teacher must take the children out of the classroom during his class period, he must assure
the students remain quiet to not interrupt the neighboring rooms. Since I am observing the Band
instructor, this particular class does not use the computer lab.

C) Who are the specialists? What do they do? Where are the rooms/offices located?

-Lava Green- Speech Therapist. Amie Tillery- School Psychologist. Sarah Laesch- Special Education
Facilitator. Mr. Bogati- Computer Technician. Latricia Burney- In House Suspension Aide. Beth Peters-
Cafeteria Manager. Mr. Schucker- Enrichment. Daniel Hinojos- Broadcasting. Pam Creager- Librarian.

-These specialist have a room within the main office next to the conference room that they get together.
There is also a room within each of the 3 hallways, which are assigned for each of the 3 grade levels.

2.A) How do teachers handle an adult who wishes to take a child home early?

-The parents must checkout their child with registration then they send a student aid to the classroom
with a slip.

B) What are the "fire drill" procedures?

-Walk students out to assigned number on sidewalk outside of the school.

C) What are the "Shelter in place" procedures?

-Sit quietly, turn off lights, critical event recording.

D) Do teachers have a first aid kit available in the classroom? What are the universal precautions?

-The teacher has a first aid kit in the room. Every year, the teachers must watch a video on blood borne

E) List one thing that was of the most interest to you as you reviewed the teacher handbook.

-I found it interesting that there is a section on when to refer a student for Special Ed. It has not occurred
to me that there may be students in my classroom who have yet to be diagnosed with any type of disorder.
I think it is an important reminder for teachers to look for signs and know how to properly handle them.

3.A) What type of extracurricular activities occur on the school grounds?

-Basketball, Cheerleading, Chess Club, and Student Council.

B) Does the school share a "partnership" with the community?

-The activity directors in the school may partner with business to fundraise for their activities. For
example, the teach I am observing partners with Carrabba's to raise money for the band. All the students
are given an invitation flyer to join them for a night in which a percent of the proceeds will go to the

C) How do parents participate as partners in the schools?

-The school and teachers well send letters home with the students reminding them of activities. The
parents and teachers both have access to a web based program called "REmind" in which the school and
teachers may post events.

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