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Keto & Fats: Friend or

We as a society have all been fully indoctrinated that fat
is bad
and that it will make us overweight and clog our arteries.
All the bad hype you have been hearing about high-fat
diets is
not exactly true. If you personally read the studies
high-fat diets, you’ll discover that 99% of it is a
combination of
high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets.
When you combine high carbohydrates with fat or
protein, insulin will spike dramatically. So that deep-
donut or deep-fried fatty fries are really fried
If you consume dietary fats with LOW CARBS, you will
spike insulin. High-fats is safe as long as it goes with low
The "low-fat craze" that has long dominated the world of
nutrition has led us all to believe that we should shun
altogether, and instead eat more processed
Where Did The "Low Fat" Craze Come From?
was that sugar causes coronary heart disease or
increase risk
of coronary heart disease.
In other words fat and cholesterol causes heart coronary
Recently there was some leaked documents between a
between the sugar Research Foundation and scientists.
-There's 300 papers that were found that dated between
and 1971.
From the Sugar Research Foundation they paid for and
a guy by the name of Frederick Star which was a
nutritionist at
the Harvard University School of Public Health.
Back then he was like the expert in the relationship
diet and heart disease.
He got paid a million dollars from General Mills,
Kellogg's and
tobacco and then in the years following there was a total
of 29
million dollars for his research team.
So basically he was paid off for two reasons:
One is to downplay or suppress the research that the
Research Foundation actually did and found a huge link
between consuming sucrose and causing an increased
risk of
heart disease.
Basically he was paid to omit and suppress that piece of
and emphasize the fat and cholesterol theory and
promoted it.
So the overall strategy was to protect the market share
using science.
Now in 1971 they did the same thing with dental cavities
They pretty much politically just suppress this connection
between sugar and dental cavities and focused on an
intervention of filling cavities in doing dental work.
So if you were curious, now the mystery is

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