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Gender identity is the femininity or masculinity of a person.

In modern times, people have this identity

crisis. In the stages of psychological development as presented by Erik Erikson, one of the stages is
"Identity vs. Role Confusion". This represents the stage where a person have the difficulty to determine
his own self during the adolescence stage. It may include career, desired lifestyle, desired civil status,
how he/she perceives life, how he/she thinks he/she is being viewed by others, and yes, even his/her
gender. Gender identity is not dictated by the reproductive organ of a person. Such thing is already fixed
or existent when one is born. However, in the case of gender identity, it may change from time to time
during the development of a person. It may be dictated by societal factors, familial factors, peers or
sometimes, unchanged. Gender identity, however, should not be construed as having only two kinds
similar to sex. Gender may mean the commonly used term "LGBTQ". The last letter is newly added which
represents "queer". This term however, excludes the 2 other genders, namely: boy (man) and girl
(woman); whatever they may be properly called. Hence, gender is not automatic, and instead acquired
(developed) if that may be the proper term. Gender identity crisis happens when one has the difficulty
to determine his/her own gender. In these times, the body of a person (during adolescence), grows and
matures to which some changes in the body occur. This stage is also a stage where one socializes both
with the opposite and the same sex. In this manner, factors may come in and dictate which gender do
they possess and then apply it to their lives. But, for some, they have this diffuculty of determination on
which gender do they belong. For people who have properly determined their gender immediately, they
are lucky. For some, it takes years and even drags until the pre-adult stage for them to settle. This is an
internal issue, that only one's self can resolve but with the help of those persons expert in the field.
Similar to depression, a person without knowledge on the matter cannot just give advice because it may
cause harm to the person when done improperly.

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