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Diego Yair Rodriguez

Growth Trajectory
When I was in 9th grade, I was a shy person. I did not have that many friends. I honestly
would like to work by myself. This school had a lot of people who I did not know. My friends from
middle school did not attend my high school. I believe that the IDPs helped me make better
relationships in order for me to do my work with my group members effectively. Now in 12th
grade I believe I am able to talk with my assigned team members to get my work done. I also
believe that I am capable of asking for help or questions when I feel like I need the necessary
help. I also feel more confident when participating in group discussions.
During my freshman year it was difficult for me to present without looking at the screen.
I would always read from the board and whenever I had flashcards I would always read from
them but never face the audience. Every time I was nervous I would stutter which would make
me even more nervous. One of the hardest things for me to do when I presented was to answer
questions. It was difficult to present in front of professionals. Now I can memorize what I am
trying to say and I am also able to add information when I am presenting in front of people. I am
able to make eye contact, pronunciate better, and answer questions. I know that if I were to
teach a class about what the study of kinesiology is I would have to present professionally.
At the beginning of ninth grade, I would always work on my assignments alone. I actually
did not like working as a group. I always preferred working by myself. It was very difficult for me
to kick someone out of a group when they would not be a willing collaborator. Amazingly, as the
years moved on, I was able to work more effectively on projects with my assigned group
members. What made me change into working with others was the IDP. When I was assigned
to work in a group, I knew work had to be done. I also knew that working alone was going to be
difficult since the IDPs were very important projects. Thanks to that I now believe that with the
chemistry of others we can have a successful project. This will help me in the near future as a
sports medicine physician. I will have to collaborate with my team members in order for us to
help a patient with an injury.

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