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e © e e e e e e e e e e e e e e « ® e e e s e e erecvaeseeecesooereess a Jmon maitre Marcet MULE Robert DRUET 'UNE METHODE MODERNE DE saxornonel A modern saxophone method L7ECOLE FRANCAISE DU SAXOPHONE tes et Commentaires Georges GOURDET Volume 1: LES REGISTRES First Book: THE REGISTERS 1 vk GERARD BILLAUDOT, EDITEUR 14, rue del’Echiquier,, Paris -X! ENGLISH ~ FRENCH SCHOHOSESEOESEHESCHHKEHCOHSEOCCEECOOEHSEESOE eeee eee PREFACE romart see somess dane ta doctrine de Marcel MULE, ts Méthode de Robert DRUET atteste elieement ‘dtotion de celutel pour som tnattie, fondateur de FECOLL HRANCAISE DU SAXOPIOWE, dnt I a regu le pdciowe engeigneient an Conservatoite Us Pais oft I Uhlit um rent Paix en 1049, (est In pemitie Fois fie 68 prdveptes soWt Gres el ess dane um wuvenge Strfelement dilactigue, Vosld ul, Wores et dG 1h nouveauté de Teenvre et son cert cclime re spifique, ef hide w print en faveur de som inet, Muss ty valeur de cctie Méthode ne eéside pas exelinivenyont done cette diffusion de principes jusyuestd Wansiaisoraleweat Te plus souvent, soft par Meteel MULE, sit par es ettver: apport pérsonsel de Robweet ORUET, ‘© shanitestant pastinitenrent dass Ie conception mtare de Postage, coteihue également 8 Jotnee 8 ve fadiscutabic original Vou fot panos wee popu de Robert PRUET, qul de saeopiione an Comscivatoire de Rowen Die Mitectowr Wane Fcole de Mtuskque, 2a a démanted que Fenseignemicnt oot une al patience et de soln Aves biew atid wu Waiter fe! fparément ef 88 pro soemem cinpee nyuvelie dificuilé A vainere, Crew song’ comssere Ie pressor value A hétude de la so "aM et de toes Tes digs dhe steep hone, Pétade dew Fates oF dos apigos ne vont ue dans les sulunnes sk vents Ce quid seu, wet daburd fauiiaiee Pe at Copplication signe et nan pat eames si invddiate dos Uoighés 3 réhasbatives ot ddeourn Ge games, Ce systdone eli des maths lemguistiqes dit ‘itectes” qui fbi Mt Példve & ts sonuité, au earsci’ve et 4 ta pratique Fone tongue, eave Wen Gtudisr profoudéanent tes t8ples dle eramvoutce et de gyntane, Aina élée, dé accoutuiné sa somite, an lfments de a felnrigua, ovata Lil enleeprendee P'Stude Ues pares sane dilliult Tous Tee igh hi ant 248 conus et fanliert t e te il, imlispcnsable 3 la constitution d'une technique sétew Se rales sed tote san aust PREFACE Taking its smutce Joon the sheteine af Maw MULE, the *cthou" by Rorert OICUET elenly teat 1 the. amination of the Tatier fur hit teuhor, the founler of the PRENCH SCLIOOL, OF SNOPTIONL, 098 precious instencton eerived af the steeds Music of Paris (Comsereatuice de Pari sehere ubtained frst prise in 1709. 1 i the fs owe that these preveps fare been aot forth ant enlerind in matrcity ice work, Here anid naw ae bare the definition whi h prociniait the nnvelty af the swuth noi ite sper haracte, end whic plas a peor in furor nf se atenen ut the vedue uf thin “Moth actusively ia thie dffusion of erimiples which np til Mors nat now fave Deen for the mast jart trans either by Marcel MANE or ty is rile. the persannt contribution of Robert ORUET; sioeieg i tied only. if expel jn the very eaneption of the sarks is pully ia in giving it on undeniable crigivality ‘The predogogicel experionce of Motert DRL ihe aos teacher af the Saxephene in tho Aenutensy nf Row omit later healerasior af sehunt nf ha showed him that teaching fea walter nf pativare andl ente Consequently lie wishen! ta teeat in thote totic val new diffiewty ta be avercom, This iv why be deter the fist volume of the Jopein 2% the wsuphones the atwly of weles wal wipeygion amine anty in the sueeveling voten erin fost of all, ts senarity and of the whole congo the instrament by an intediate application wf the fine ing, ert ing right from the vat 4 repelling end discoutnging aevies nf wales. This aston nad ot theoveh im Fact hax meh ia couman sith that of the se vale “direct” method jor the learning of tongnnges, which ‘veustomte the pupil to the rarity, the ens toe wnt the lofi be pet storly of pramaur and ayia, Hews-the stulont, qi raticel ue of a lenge it ~ wind #0 iv rateanoot, to ir sume. ov esl Of te technique, will he Aificalty the stay af the seals, titer be hneen ab fe yy leeady fenilinr with the ange of fngveings aad thie werk, wich indisprante for the builing np uf @ serlone lchaiqney will them kate last a te nesterity. 1 undertake witht Drautee part, entee les parographen srictement tech » Robert DRUET intercale les ments mémes du solf@ge, non au tite Wun rappel théorique, mais dans fe but ane application sig atique Bofin, et ce n'est pas 1h fa molndee Voriginalité de cette méthode, es exercices purement niques sont réduits au minimum et lev coutumlbre raloas de shondance est remplacée par de nombreux morceaux ov tudes de wafties ancleas, clasiques ou tomantiques, sinsi que de nombreox chants populaires Wesence falkto. tique, On ne peut que louer R. DRUET pour cette exvellen- le initintive, d'antant qa’ fo vient en un temps de désat jon des jeunes pour Vétude inatrumentale, et que le cx tactire attrayant qu‘lnptique cette Méthode d'enselan tent — encore que tout aussi efflence, didsctiquement plact, que les cEbarbatife exetclees habltasla — que Dien plus dettiver que de rebuter ces Jeunes. De plus, ce moyen a un autre inlérdt, dane incontestable Evidence: it feit comnaftce 4 Téttve un grand nombre eoeuwces (lates sous un autre sepect que leur sepect original), fe emettant en contact immpédis ot aves te misigue ime, formant pac IL son godt et as cultura muslale, en veillent con sens artistique Ainsl lex objects de Robert DRUET now raissentis distinctement: © Rendie atuayant le travail e apps: eve, 26 Fermer son godt rusted et son tens artistique ds ls début en ne dissooiant pas fe point de vue atistlque udev 3° Former sa culture mustete en Tui fasant abor der an grand nombce d'cuves avxquelles, faute de ces Uranseriptions, som instmment ne lui dennernlt pas acces, ne possédant qu'une litteray originale excl Veil qul, nous Fespérens, pourra contr het 2 rendre aux jeunes le gob je étude instrumental ‘Aussi bien, souaitonsnous que cet exellent ouvrage trouve euprds des professenss Taccuell et le sects qu’ semble hautenient siter, Georges GOURDET In addition, liscen the strictly technical pa rephs, Robert DRUET intovaperice the basic rudinents of fhe soles fo, not on the grounds of « theovical the proetcel opp eaves, ation as his objet. Finally, and ths is not the least of the reasons f he originality of thit riethosl, the parelly terhaivue exercires are reduced (0 the minim ond the euslomary large number of them ier; laced by aunierone pivsee vr Mudies by past composers, elasical, romantic ond madern, well or by many popular songs of folklore origin One can only proite Robert DRUET for this excellent initiuive, especially since it comes ata time of indifference fon the part of young penple for inatruruents, and since the altractive ehoracter invul ed in this tenching methoud though just a4 afficient from didoetic point of view ax the wtual wnattretive exercises, har mare chance of attracting thon of repelling thewe young people. What is more, this eveans her cnad 6 ttuly of masint point interet, obviow and incontestable: at brings ta the Enouledge of the stu aber of aanks (be the aspect uniter which shay orn presented different from (ha original aypeet), puts Kier into iemmedite enntace with the masic tee, anid thus foram hit taste and hie ‘musical culture by awakening his Further fourth volunce, devoted ie port 1 HARMONICS, includes — yet anothe important seriew of station and works for the msopha sone, apeeiatly written for thin methad by renowred composers, and having at their aint the intrluction of the stent to contemperary muse tn ite manifold expects, fram the mort traditional 49 the moat meena Hus prepariag hin diectly he stualy af 49 anya! repertnive of the sxeophone ‘Thus the cine af Robert BRUET became aoae 16 Tn make the work attractive fur the sulend 29° To form his musical Init» and bis artiets won Fight from the beginning, hy eat sopmaticg the erie from the technical point of view. 3 To form his avusicat Lleure by allioing din proach 10 a great amber of warks to which, ia tie abuence of these transcription ot give him access, since the original camp hve renin! excusvely modem, hay ae ibe may concrbue> tha Le Ia Jn edition, we hope that this excellont work may be Georges GOURDET hoe Quartet tit Masicatogiet Mersber of Marcel MULE Sax boy SOSHOSKSESESSESHSSESSESESSHOSSSSSESSESOSESHSSSESOSEHSSSCSESCESCES

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