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Personal Statement

Kelsey Summarell

Salt Lake Community College

April 10, 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

For me, I never had any epiphany moments in which afterwards I immediately knew
what I wanted to study. Instead I had multiple small experiences that influenced and intrigued me
to pursue the study of psychology. One of these small experiences was taking a general
psychology class in high school. This class got me interested in discovering the inner working of
how people act and why people behave the way they do. Another experience that reinforced my
interest in psychology was when I discovered how vast and diverse the field of psychology is. I
discovered I wanted to study marriage and family therapy by reading about the four horsemen
and how it can predict the end of a relationships demise.

Away from my studies, I am a passionate cook and baker. Any free time I get I spend in
the kitchen or looking through cook books for my next challenge. Whenever I am in the kitchen
it gives me the opportunity to be creative, challenge myself to improve, and helps me to try new
things. I am creative in the kitchen when I express myself by the food I make. I have an uncle
from Venezuela, and I enjoy making traditional dishes from Venezuela. I challenge myself to
improve in the kitchen when I try more challenging dishes. My dad has always done the grilling
but, one weekend I was given the chance to grill the steaks and through this experience I am now
able to grill delicious steaks. I am always looking through cook books for new recipes to make
and push my cooking or baking skills to the next level.

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