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Digtal Signal Processing (et 4235)

The Levinson Algorithm

The Levinson algorithm is a fast recursion to solve the Yule-Walker prediction-error

equations that model a random process, or more in general to implicitly invert a
Toeplitz matrix. It gives rise to a computational structure (lattice filter) with useful
properties. It can be used to analyze an autocorrelation sequence, and to generate
a process with this autocorrelation.

It is used for parametric spectrum estimation (based on all-pole or AR modeling),

and e.g. speech coding in GSM: instead of transmitting speech samples, the filter
coefficients are transmitted so that the receiver can reconstruct the speech.

(These slides: real-valued signals. See book for the complex case.)

1 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

Recap: AR modeling of a random process
Suppose we want to model a random signal using an AR filter applied to a

white noise, ,




The input signal is also known as the “innovation”.

White implies that  is not correlated to past samples ( , etc), and hence


is uncorrelated to , etc:





In the -domain, the model is written as






2 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

Application: parametric spectrum estimation

The power spectral density of is given by






Parametric spectrum estimation is: given the correlation sequence of ,

find . For this we need to find and , i.e. model identification.

3 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

Application: prediction filter modeling

We are given a signal and wish to predict the current sample as a linear


combination of past samples :






To estimate the optimal coefficients, we can minimize the prediction error:






In a deterministic setting, we can minimize .


In a stochastic setting, we minimize .


This leads to the same equations as before (with and ).



4 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011
From prediction filter to Yule-Walker equations
Model for :




In general, a random process will not precisely satisfy such a model. For any
model order , we try to find the best fitting parameters that will

minimize the residual noise variance . That is, we consider



and minimize the power of the prediction error .

If the model holds, we can easily derive the Yule-Walker equations, as follows.
Multiply by and take expectation:






For this gives, with  ,






5 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011
Yule-Walker equations

These equations can be written in matrix form (with rows for )

    

  

  

 . ..
   
    

 .    
 . .  ..

  .. 

 .. .

 .   . 

  

 

The matrix is constant along diagonals: a Toeplitz matrix. It is also symmetric.

For , we need to compute



. Because for (see before), we have





. We obtain an additional equation:




6 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011
Yule-Walker equations

To solve the Yule-Walker equations is straightforward: the filter coefficients are

. The noise power (prediction error or innovation power) follows from

the above equation for .

This has a complexity of order multiplications. The Levinson algorithm can

reduce this to order , by exploiting the Toeplitz structure.

7 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

Levinson algorithm
We will derive a recursion, for . For each , we have different filter

coefficients ( ) and modeling/prediction error power .

For order , the YW equations give (there is no filter)

For order , we have , or , and







For order , combine the YW equations for and into a single matrix

of size :

    

 

    
    
  

 

  
 .. ..    
 . .    

 

  

 .
 . .. .. .. 
 ..   .. 
 . . . .  .   . 

  

 

Suppose we know the solution for order , how can we find the

solution for order efficiently?

8 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

Levinson algorithm

Take as trial solution for order the old solution for order , extended by :

    

 

    
    
  

 

  
 .. ..  .
  ..   .. 
   .
 . . 

 

  

 . .. .. ..    
 . . . . 
 .    

  

 

This is not the correct solution of the YW equations, because in general .

We need to modify the trial solution such that ; in that case the RHS has the

required form and we have a solution to the YW equations of order .

To modify the trial solution, we apply the following two tricks.

9 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

The Levinson algorithm
Trick 1: the Toeplitz structure gives rise to the following equation (for order ):

 
..   

 

 .  .   
 . . .
 .     

 

  
 .. ..    .. 
 . . 
   . 

   

 
 ... ..
.  

 

  

 

Trick 2: The two equations can be combined:
    

 

    
    
  

 

  
 .. ..  .. ..   .. .. 
 . .  . .   . . 

 

  

 . .. .. ..    
 . . . . 
 .   


  

 

10 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011
Levinson algorithm

For , we take as trial solutions:

    

 

    
    
  

 

  
 .. ..  .. ..   .. .. 
 . .  . .   . . 

 

  

 . .. .. ..    
 .. . . .    
 

  

 

Both trial solutions are not correct solutions of the YW equations of order ,

because . But we can take linear combinations of the two trial solutions in

such a way that becomes 0.

11 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

The Levinson algorithm
Indeed, for any matrix :

    

 

    
    
  

 

  
 .. ..  .. ..   .. .. 
 . .  . .   . . 

 

  

 . .. .. ..    
 . . . . 
 .    

  

 

We will take linear combinations of the following form: (book uses )

   

   
    
   

   
 .. ..   .. ..

 

 . .   . .

 

   

   

 | {z }  

   

For , this will bring the RHS into the required form. The LHS is then the

solution of the YW equations of order .( is called a reflection coefficient.)

12 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

The Levinson algorithm
Thus, we need to set . We obtain as solution

   

   
    
   

   
.. ..  .. ..

  

. .   . .

  

   

   

   

   

This is the update step in the Levinson recursion. The recursion is initiated by


With this, we enter the recursion. In the next step, we obtain the equations
      

      

where . We set , and follow the recursion.

The th step in the recursion has complexity . Overall, the complexity of solving

the th order YW equations is of order : more efficient than a direct inversion.

13 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

The Levinson algorithm
To show that this recursion works and does not break down, we need to prove that
we always can compute a suitable . This will follow from the main assumption:

(i.e., the covariance matrix strictly positive definite–all its eigenvalues are

positive) for all .

. This follows from the YW equations:

     

 

     
     
   

 

   
   .. ..   
   . .   

 

  

 ..   .
 . .. .. .. 
  .. 
 .   . . . .   . 

   

 

In particular, . Since is strictly positive definite (hence also

invertible), the inverse exists and is also strictly positive definite. This implies

that . Hence for any .

In particular, , so that we can compute .

14 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

The Levinson algorithm
We can show a bit more:

The update equation is

so that .

From this we also see that : the modeling/prediction error always de-


Special case: if we have a true AR process of order , then we will find

and . At this point the recursion stops (we can take , so that the

AR coefficients do not change anymore).

Special case: if , then . The prediction error is zero, can


be exactly predicted from its past, the process is called deterministic.

This can occur only if is singular (thus the matrix is not strictly positive definite).

15 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

The Levinson algorithm

Szegö polynomials

We can define filter functions corresponding to the filter coefficients:

This allows to write the Levinson recursion compactly as
  

  


with initialization ( ) as .



16 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011
The Levinson algorithm

FIR lattice filter

Thus, the resulting system has impulse response (and also , not used).

If we use this system with input , we obtain the prediction error sequence ,



see Slide 4.

The filter structure is known as a lattice filter; note it is an FIR filter.

17 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011


October 2, 2011



the levinson algorithm














The recursion can be reversed as follows:

The Levinson algorithm












The Levinson algorithm

IIR lattice filter

This allows to compute from : the filter impulse response is . This is



an IIR filter, the filter structure is recursive, i.e., the filter coefficients of are not

explicitly computed.

It can be shown that the filter is stable as long as all reflection coefficients are strictly
smaller than 1. This is the case if the original is strictly positive definite.

If we replace by any white noise sequence (with variance ), then the re-

sulting output signal is a random process with the same correlation sequence
as .


19 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

The Levinson algorithm

This is exploited in the GSM system, where is the speech signal.


At the transmitter, the speech signal is split in short frames, each of 20 ms. For
each frame, the correlation sequence is estimated. Using the

Levinson algorithm, the reflection coefficients and residual noise power are

estimated, coded and transmitted to the receiver.

The receiver uses as coefficients in the reverse filter, and generates

a white noise sequence in place of . It computes the corresponding .


It is not the same as the original speech signal, but has the same correlation
sequence, which is good enough for the ear (at least for unvoiced speech).

20 the levinson algorithm October 2, 2011

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