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Exercise 2.

(Due on, May 6, 2019 )

1. Observe the software architectures provided in the following articles and for ONE of the
architectures discussed in the articles write a summary and evaluation answering the following
i) What are the architectural drivers and why were they important?
ii) Which patterns and tactics have been applied?
iii) Crudely choose an alternative for the given architecture and provide an overview (an
overall model) of it with rational.

 D. Beer, R. Kunis, and G. Runger, “A component based software architecture for e-

government applications,” Availability, Reliability and Security, International Conference
on, vol. 0, pp. 1004–1011, 2006.
 Ghemawat, Sanjay, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung. "The Google file system."
ACM SIGOPS operating systems review. Vol. 37. No. 5. ACM, 2003.

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