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The culture of a society is usually characterized with the beliefs and moralities of

its people, which are conveyed to the individual through the education provided by the
family, society and religious associations. A person's religious beliefs tell us a lot about
his personality and his view of life. A person trusting in God received the least stress.
Mental and moral diseases have resemblances to physical diseases. They both kill and
need to be remedies. Sometimes they are contagious and must be analyzed. After the
main cause is identified, they must be remedies. The Quran is like a remedying medicine
for those who suffer from attachment to the world and materialism and unconditional
surrender to lust. In the Quran we read: "This book was revealed by your Lord to preach
and remedy your hearts." A comparison between the status of Arabs before and after the
advent of Islam provides the best proof for the truth of this claim. But like all other
prescriptions, this prescription works only when it is put to practice.

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