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Flaming Bullets: INCENDIARY

explosive bullets: highex
Explosive Melee Attack: HOTHANDS
Give Parachute: SKYDIVE
Moon Gravity: FLOATER
Drunk Mode: LIQUOR
Recharge Ability: POWERUP
Slow Motion: Enter three times for full effect - SLOWMO
Launch into the sky: SKYFALL
Spawn Comet: COMET
Spawn PCJ-600 Motorcycle: ROCKET
Spawn Sanchez Dirt Bike: OFFROAD
Spawn Rapid GT: RAPIDGT
Spawn Limo: VINEWOOD
Spawn Trashmaster: TRASHED
Spawn Buzzard Attack Helicopter: BUZZOFF
Spawn Stunt Plane: BARNSTORM
Slow Motion Aiming: Enter three times for full effect - DEADEYE
Invincibility: PAINKILLER
Slow Down Gameplay: SLOWMO
Max Health & Armor: TURTLE
Raise Wanted Level: FUGITIVE
Lower Wanted Level: LAWYERUP
Change Weather: MAKEITRAIN
Slippery Cars Drifting: SNOWDAY
super jump: hoptoit
deathcar ( phai co achievement...)
may bay truot duong dai: flyspray

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