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I doubt that anyone thinks that we live in a perfect world.

Although famine, war, earthquakes,

disease and crime are common occurrences, I am sure that most people would be happy to live
without them. In fact, I would expect that most people would say that these things are an indication
that all is not well with the world. So to answer that drug or doping use in sport is a social structure
of evil. I would definitely agree with reason given in the lesson. But at the same time I would
question for what reason? Is it with intention of harming someone? Or, for gaining fame ? Most
athletes know that doping is cheating, however, some still take the risk. Sometimes prizes, money or
fame can cause people to make bad decisions which is evil. They are told that doping might give
them a boost, provide a shortcut to long years of training or help them win it is definitely evil. And
they are prepared to risk their sporting careers and their health - they are prepared to win at all cost!
Others feel pressure from coaches, parents or themselves to be the best. They see doping as a way to
meet these expectations, in which there is no other words,but pure evil structure. On the other hand,
some athletes use drugs to overcome an injury. Doctors, Trainers or coaches might say that drugs
can make you forget about the pain or may help speed up recovery, this is not structural evil. I
believe taking drug in sport depends on context, while agreeing with examples given in the lesson.

Do you have other examples of social structures of evil?

I believe that structural evil is all about setting routines that you follow that do harm to others. You
go to work, write some copy, sell some product, and someone ends up horribly deformed because
your product is highly toxic. But you didn’t intend to poison anyone, you just wrote ad copy. You see
something odd going on at the neighbors, you call the tip line, and the secret police break up their
illegal political meeting, and torture them all. You didn’t call with the intent to get anyone tortured,
you just live in a society where failure to report odd things would make you liable as well. Maybe
you go to the store and buy some food. The money goes to an organization operating out of West
Africa where children are forced to harvest crops and are mutilated if they fail to meet quota. You
didn’t mutilate any kids, you didn’t do anything but buy groceries.

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