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❖ Please state your name for the record spelling out the last

➢ Harley Davison, D-A-V-I-S-O-N

❖ How old are you?
➢ I am 39 years old
❖ Where are you from?
➢ I am from Wisconsin and I have been living in Gotham Nirvana for the last
7 years.
❖ What is your current occupation?
➢ I am an aspiring artist who makes sculptures by repurposing trash and
❖ Where do you currently live?
➢ 126-34 West Huron Street Apt. #110
❖ How long have you been living there?
➢ I’ve lived in the apartment for a little over 2 years,
❖ Did anyone else live with you in the apartment?
➢ My aunt who I moved in to help take care of.
❖ What is your aunts current condition?
➢ She passed away on March 15th of last year.
❖ How was living in the apartment?
➢ It was decent, me and my aunt would argue some of the time and when we
did I would stay with my fiance Sage for a few days.
❖ Did you ever live with sage?
➢ When I was homeless I only stayed a few nights with him
❖ Could you please state why you are in court today
➢ After living with my aunt in the apartment for two years, when she died I
filed a letter to the DHPD and then went down and submitted an application
to inherit her apartment.

❖ When did you do this?

➢ I sent the letter on March 26th and did the application on April 2nd. Commented [1]: .
❖ Were there any mistakes when you filed it?
➢ No I did it all properly even without a lawyer.
❖ What happened after you submitted the form?
➢ I found out it was denied about a month later on May16th
❖ Why did they deny your application to inherit your aunt's apartment?
➢ They made the claim that I didn’t live in the apartment for the past two
❖ Did you submit any proof at the time?
➢ I have the document that my aunt sent to the DHPD saying I was a family
member, when I moved in, and that I was entitled to the apartment.

Your honor at this time I would like to submit exhibits 1 through 3 as a packet.
(Letter 1, Letter 2, and Letter 3)
Submit Evidence:
1. Your honor let the record reflect that I am showing opposing counsel a
packet marked ______
2. Your honor may I approach the witness
3. Mr. Davidson I am handing you claimants exhibit 1 for identification
4. Do you recognize this document?
5. Can you please tell the court what it is.
6. Is it a fair and accurate copy
Your honor I would like to submit this packet into evidence as Exhibits A, B, and C

Whose signatures are on this document?

What do each of these documents say

❖ Pointing your attention to April 1st 2016 what happened that day?
➢ I was sentenced to 60 days for petit larceny
❖ How did this make you feel?
➢ A bit worried, I wasn’t really ready to get locked up at the time.
❖ What did you do when you realized this?
➢ I tried to get someone to vouch for me hoping they would release me
because of it. .
❖ Who vouched for you?
➢ My fiance Sage did
❖ Why did you choose him to vouch
➢ My aunt couldn’t make it to court and like I said I just wasn’t ready to be
locked up at the time.
❖ What did he tell the court?
➢ He made up a lie that I lived with her.
❖ What was the truth, where were you actually living at the time?
➢ I was (pause) homeless
❖ After he vouched what happened?
➢ I took a plea deal and got 60 days at Rikers Island.
❖ What did you after you were released from rikers island?
➢ When the 60 days passed I was released on probation. I gave the probation
officer the same address Sage had given in court since I was scared that
they may not let me out if they thought I was living with older people
❖ Why didn’t you update your address with the probation officer?
➢ Like I said I was scared about what would happen if I did.
❖ What were your responsibilities while you were on probation?
➢ While on probation I had to make sure to come every month and pay my
❖ Did you do this?
➢ Yes every month
❖ And Did you ever see your probation officer outside of your monthly visits?
➢ No I never saw him because he never visited.
❖ To be clear where did you live from feb 2016 until now?
➢ With my aunt at 126-34 West Huron Street, Apt. #110 in Gotham.
❖ Who if anyone knew you lived there?
➢ Sage, my neighbor finley, and my aunt barbara if she was here to testify
❖ Thank you no further questions.

To be clear where did you live from feb 2016 until now?
With my aunt at
Who if anyone knew you lived there?

Redirect: Why did you write the wrong address on the death certificate.

Less on rivers
Introduce harleys application for apartment as evidence (Submit as a packet)
Move apartment stuff to beginning (all the experience and background)

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