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Comparison of Porosity Levels of Root Channels Thermoplasty Technique Using MTA

Sealer (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) plus Calcium Hydroxide Ca (OH)2 and MTA

Sealer (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) plus Nanocitosan (SEM Test)


Porosity often occurs after root canal treatment, various kinds of sealers that can cover all the

gaps between the root canal system and the outer surface of the tooth so that root canal

porosity can be prevented. The recently used root canal obturation material is Mineral

Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Ca (OH)2. Nanocytosan is currently recommended as a

biomedical application material that has many uses. This study aimed to determine the ratio

of porosity of root canal filling using MTA sealers plus calcium hydroxide and MTA sealers

plus nanocitosan. This study used 16 samples of maxillary first incisors which were divided

into 2 groups. The first group of MTA sealers plus calcium hydroxide and the second group

of MTA sealers were added with nanocitosan using the thermoplasty filling technique. After

sample root canal treatment, the samples were tested byScanning Electron Microscopyto see

the density level of root canal filling. Then the research data analysis was carried out t-test.

MTA sealers plus nanocitosan havecompared sealing ability a strongto MTA sealers plus

calcium hydroxide. There was a significant difference in porosity level between MTA sealers

plus calcium hydroxide and MTA sealers plus nanocitosan (P <0.05). The results showed a

difference in porosity levels between MTA sealers plus calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) and

MTA sealers plus nanocytosan.

Keywords : Porosity, Thermoplasty, MTA, Calcium Hydroxide, Nanocytosan

Nama : Irani E. Martha Misa

NIM : 1806129010050 / fakultas kedokteran gigi unmas

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