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Lide, Monique

​Creating a positive classroom environment is very important for me. I have

noticed when you create a positive classroom environment, students will thrive. My

classroom is run like a family, but adding a compact would be an awesome idea to

insure a strong foundation in my classroom. Because we function as a family in my

classroom, we would be brainstorming, developing and implementing this compact


There are several things I would include in our compact. The first one is

classroom rules. I have found that teachers set classroom rules and tell the students

about them when they arrive the first day of school. I would have the students make the

classroom rules together as a whole and also decide on the consequences for breaking

those rules. Students have a buy in to the rules and are more liking to accept the

consequence because they are the ones who made them. I do this through a program

called classcraft. This is something the kids, myself and the parents have access to.

This is one way to encourage, reward, and apply a consequence to behaviors.

The next thing I would implement in my compact would be remind me. Remind

me is important for communication between teacher and parent. Remind me allows

parents to text the teacher at anytime. It is also effective for parents sending messages

about when there child is sick, or had a bad day or night, ask questions about upcoming

events, or simply homework questions. Remind me allows teachers to send parents

messages about the classroom, upcoming tests, reminders of field trips are parent

engagements activities at the school. This is something that needs to be in the compact!
homework questions, get classroom updates and grades and simply communicate after

school when parents are late picking up students, students needing money for book fair

or asking an important parent question.

Last thing I would part into the compact is things the student events. Things

students want their parents to attend such as field trips, family night, festivals,books

fairs, plays, projects in the classroom, and projects at home. All of these different types

of events will help with parent engagement. Students will be excited to keep reminding

parents of the different events they have picked for the year. Remind me will also serve

as a reminder of the different events for the parents.

All these things I would include in the compact for my classroom. These are all

valuable resources for parents and students to be continuously engaged in the school


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