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i want to join Apple Company because Apple is seems the place for me to gain valuable and useful

experience that i needed in the real world, Apple is a well known company all over the world for their
success , and innovation in the tech world,everyone knows Apple and if you see their product you
can see how innovative their product and looks something that not many people have which
increasing your prestige which is something really amazing with a single product, the power of Apple
to people with their product and their way to create many thing such as OS that accepted in the world
even though their OS is really different with other competitor their still accepted as one of the best in
the world. Apple is also amazing in their way to adapt with the constantly changing customer
requirement and still able to provide the best for their customer , so this convinced me to join this
company and of course there is also other thing such as that Apple is a tech company which is tech is
my favorite thing to work with, Apple is also the place of many innovator there with their innovation
in the Apple product which is i love to work with and learn from them.

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