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Bagian Utama

dovamin boutiques are a shopping area for clothes, shoes, hijabs and handbags. in addition to affordable
prices, goods provided are also quality and durable

Bagian tas

This bag is made of leather that would be very comfortable if you wear. This bag has a variety of colors
and shapes. easy to carry, not easily damaged and suitable for those of you who travel a lot

Bagian baju

This dress is perfect for you who have a hijab. color and unique model and soft fabric texture will make
you comfortable using this shirt. you can relax wherever by wearing this simple dress

Bagian sepatu

casual shoes inu is a shoe that much-loved people. may include you. Why ? because in addition to varied
colors, these shoes are also durable and not easily damaged. yes of course, quality and not inferior to
overseas products

Bagian jilbab

for those of you who love to wear hijab. now comes a new hijab with a beautiful model, and certainly
suitable for you wear as your crown. This hijab if you use, will not take a long time, because it is designed
to make you can streamline your narrow time

Bagian penutup

that's some of the products contained in our boutique. we need to remind you that the products we sell
are not less good with products of foreign products. you need proof? prove it now by way of coming to
our boutique and shopping. we are sure you will be satisfied with our product range. get it soon

Bagian tengah

Discount 50% for 2 pairs of shoes


good news for you guys! prepare yourself to shop

Bagian tengah

special price for purchases in February-March. you can check in our website

affordable prices
quality goods

we will not disappoint you

Dovamin's best boutique of all time !!

Get it now!

for more info, contact; 085111222333 or check on our website at

for reservations, you can contact us via website or hp number and we will deliver the goods to you

shop in our boutique. address: ahmad yani street number 5 Bone South.

if you often shop at our boutique. we will give appreciation to you as a token of gratitude

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