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Weekly Blog 13: Filming Week 2

This is my weekly blog for our second week of filming while at college. I really
enjoyed this week as it was really productive. Unfortunately, the week started with
another inconvenience, I was supposed to interview another individual but this
didn’t go to plan as he had to take his dog for an emergency visit to the vets. I spent
the rest of the week until Friday editing all of the work which I had already filmed. I
was really happy with my work up till this point and was feeling in control and calm
about the vastly approaching deadline.

A key stage which I got up to this week was editing and uploading my rough draft.

My favourite part of this week was Friday. After multiple failed attempts to meet up I
finally got to meet a food bank volunteer and client called Emily. I took a train to
Furz Platt and walked to her house. Long before I left and I was prepping my
equipment I made sure that it all worked and that I had enough storage across my
multiple SD cards. This way I wouldn’t have to stress and wouldn’t be let down by my
equipment. As I didn’t know exactly what the lighting situation would be I took a
battery operated light which mounts onto the camera to be on the safe side. I really
enjoyed filming this interview as I felt very relaxed and calm when with Emily. She
was very easy going and we then had lunch together. I really hope I do well with this
production as I want to make her and everyone else involved with this project
proud. I spent the late afternoon starting to edit this interview before I spent the
weekend working. In reflection this has been a very successful week!

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