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Week 14: Editing Week

The start of this week was spent editing the remaining parts of my documentary. I
had already uploaded my rough draft but at this point I was working towards having
my final edit completed and ready (alongside all of my other work) for the deadline
on Friday! Monday and Tuesday were spent editing and completing any feedback
which I had gathered off my rough draft.

The feedback which I received was:

-Make more of a statement with your interview, more footage more
creative fonts and colours and slightly extend it. More context is
needed before the videos with Doris as the audience could be left
quite confused and maybe loose interest.
-Cut it down and make your documentary shorter. Make your
interviews shorter and just have the key and more interesting parts.
-In the interview with Doris changed the angle slightly by maybe
zooming in, the audience can see that she is reading from a script.
-Edit the sound so that it's less jumpy and doesn't cut so much from
clip to clip.
I made sure that all of this was completed by Wednesday. On Wednesday morning I
took a train to West Drayton to reshoot an interview which I originally shot a month or
so ago with a person called James Carson. I learned from all of the mistakes which I
made the first time when shooting this interview. The main mistake I made was with
the sound, we shot outside on a very windy day and had a faulty microphone. This
time I contacted a café in the same park and they very kindly allowed us to film in
there, although we were inside there would still be a large amount of background
noise so I hired a microphone to use when filming this interview. I also checked over
the footage when still on location so that if I wasn’t happy with it it wouldn’t be too
late by the time that I realised. I also paid a lot more attention to the camera angles
I was using and I think I did a much better job this time.


After filming this I then called into Doris Hughes’ house on my way home, I showed
her my rough edit as I wanted her approval on this and she was very positive and
proud of my work and said she’s looking forward to seeing the final product.

Thursday and Friday were spent finishing my edit for the Friday deadline. I finished
this in good time as well as tidying up my written work. As I could now focus my
attention elsewhere I spent some time updating my donation page. After seeing all
the incredible work that Yiewsley and West Drayton food bank are doing I could see
how much any amount of money can have a massive impact. I decided to set up a
GoFundMe page with a goal of £100 to raise to donate to the charity. Currently I
have raised £75 out the £100. I have now released my production and still gathering
donations. My Stepdad and I are going to match all donations received. I am
planning to surprise Doris with this soon!

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