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CHAPTER 17 258 another. He went forth from them to the place of the mother of the All with the forefather and the selffather, so that they should give ordinance to those that came forth from the mater 17. And the mother of the All and the forefather and the self: father and the protogenitor and the powers of the acon of the ‘mother sang a great song of praise, blessing the One Alone, saying “Thou alone art the iyfinite one, thou alone art the deep, and thou alone art the unknowable one. And thou art he for whom everyone seeks, and they do not find thee, for none can know thee without thy will, and none can bless thee without thy will, And thy will alone is that which became place for thee, for none can become place for thee because to all thou art their place. 1 pray thee to sive ranks to those of the world, and to give ordinances to my offspring according 10 thy pleasure. And do not cause sorrow to ‘my offspring, because no one has ever been made sorrowful through thee, and no one has known thy counsel. Thou art he whom all those within and those without lack. For thou alone art an incomprehensible one, thou alone art the invisible one, and thou lone art the insubstantial one, and thou atone art he who has given character to all creation. Thou hast manifested them in thyself. Thou art the demiurge of those that have not yet man- ifested — these which thou alone knowest, and we do not know them, Thou alone art he who gives signs of them to us, so that we should ask of thee | concerning them, that thou shouldst manifest (10) do not Gd i. have 04 found 2 (12) withow thy wails He withoot thine ov wil; oF, without thy wil alone. > (1415) place; se Bouché Lecee (BIBL 12) p. 260 2» Library of Ruslan Khazarzar 259 ‘THE UNTITLED TEXT erhitoy xe-eneovongor eboA nmcorwHoT efor QITOOTH AAATAAR. TOR ALATAAK TENTAKITK emit MMHOCAIOC CONT. YANTOTCOTONE WTOK MENTARTAAC MAT ETPETCOTUNE AE-NTOH NENTAKALECIOOT PAt-TIENs SCURLA HACHAATOR. ATO ARTAAIOOT ReAItTAKENE- MPOALe QALMERHOTE NATTOPTHE ATH QHeTATAMOK TAI Ne MPuse Mano muove enTA-aianoia q+ sop Cpor] TOR NeNTAK KA MeL AaMpUDALe, HATH aqiopH ALLOY Noe MHEBoRTE ATW AGTAAT Vow Moe MHeNUTIN ATO AqooAe| AENCWHT Hoe orpon. Mat Me Mpoate erepe-ntpy WAKA es | PAG. covuncy WTOK MAATAARK NeNTAKOTERCAgME Isaampuoate xenaac eqjeovong eboA neecovonc efor QITOOTY Me-NTOR NeNTANANO. ATO aKOTUNE efor HATA MHOTOM HTOK TETEWAHA eppar epor MOT MUNTEOT HL ATO NHOTTE MHOVTE NUL ATO Raoeic Hao MUL. TAL ANOK efeoNeM ananoey wee nowaac eqef-ragic Mnacrace ameter nat Tate OUPpoT MAT QAL-ERPAR. ATW QrETeKGORL TALonApe XHE Maraag aro mamuibe AATAAg. AEA HAT Rovaost aro YHATPENATOTO COTUNE xe-NTOK Ne nerewmp. 25 Aww WTEpe=TARAAT aw eccomen ammanepantoc Ayu nfeAcMwctoc, AFH NeTALOTE AMTTHPY. ATU 1 MS exturow; read exfuserow, 5. MS anramiooy: rad a1rasooy MS alonota ead vatanotn. 11 MS aqyeaer: ead acjeo 12 MS oxpagon teed warps, 14 page 48: the Ket side and lower part of the ka are mixing, and there are many central defects; the remainder measures 28x16 crs. MS staavenn: rad Aaraas, 26 W. Sohw, n(e}aemctor, read MACMLUCTaC oF MAEMLECTOC, 260 Library of Ruslan Khazarzar CHAPTER 18 29 them, and we should know them through thee alone. Thou alone didst bring thyself to the measure of the hidden worlds, until they knew thee. Its thou who hast given to them to know that it i, thou who hast borne them in thy incorporeal body. And thou hast cxeated them, for thou hast begotten Man in thy selForiginated ‘mind, and in the thought and the perfect idea. This is Man begotten of mind’, to whom shought gave form. I is thou who hast given all things to Man. And he has worn them lke garments, and he has put them on like clothing, and he has wrapped himself {nthe eretion ike a mantle. Ths is Man whom the All prays to iknow. Thou alone hast commanded Man that he be revealed, s0 that they know thee through him, that thou hast begotten him. And thou wast revealed according (0 thy will. Thow art he to whom I pray, O Father of all fatherhoods, and God of all gods, and Lord ef all lords. Thou art he whom I beseech to give ranks to my kinds and my offspring, these to whom I gave Abundance? in thy name and in thy power. Thou only Sovereign and thou only changelss one, give me power and I will cause my offspring to know thee, that thou art their Saviour” 18 And when the mother ceased praying to the infinite and unknowable one who fills the All and | gives life to them all, he (man begoten of mind: Bousset (Bibl 13) p. 190: Hippo VELA: Ge 31; Apln 4. hese paments these clothes; se note on + 0.2) thes to whom I gave abundance; Baynes: thee that Ihave quickened 281 Library of Ruslan Khazarzar

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