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RE 12 Mark Questions: Catholic Christianity


‘Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam provides a good understanding of Catholic teaching about


‘The most important teaching of Genesis 1 is that we are all made in God’s image.’

‘God cannot be both the creator and transcendent.’

‘The most important gift God gave to humans was free will.’

‘The old Testament contains nothing that Christians need in today’s day and age.’

‘Everything that a Christian needs is contained in the Bible.’

‘The fundamentalist approach is the only meaningful way to approach the creation story in
Genesis 1.’

‘Catholics should not expect every person to live by the natural law.’

‘For Catholics, supporting global action on the environment is more important than
supporting local and national efforts.’

‘’There is no need for Catholics to support sustainability programmes.’


‘The incarnation is God’s great act of love for the human race.’
‘Matthew’s account of the virgin birth is easier to understand than Luke’s account of the

‘’The teaching that God’s word became flesh shows that humans are very important to God.’

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