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Once bitten, twice shy. Tell me you didn’t read it in a high-pitched George Michael’s voice.

dare you. I just have it stuck in my head along with the rest of the lyrics of Last Christmas. And
Azzurro even though I don’t speak Italian. I can sing it in the middle of the night, in the middle of
the summer. It’s always time for Last Christmas, it’s never too late nor too early.

There’s people that say that this song is not even about christmas, it’s about love. Yes, it’s a
love story that happened on christmas. It’s in a fucking title, are you out of your mind? The rule
is easy: if it has jingles, it’s about christmas.

Personally, I don’t celebrate that holiday, I don’t even like it. I don’t like the food, the
presents, the quality time with my family. I hate how we spend money on things we don’t need,
how we make each other uncomfortable with gifts that nobody wants and doesn’t know what to
do with, how we treat animals, how we waste food. Humans really suck at being human in

I do enjoy however a break from work, how the world turns colorful and jingly, and of
course christmas songs. I know them all by heart. So when I read ‘once bitten, twice shy’ I hear
the voices in my head. And I see dead people.

But is this saying used properly in the song? It means that if you try something and you get
hurt you’re not so eager to do it again. First of all, he says that he fell in love once, got heart
broken, so now he’s going to be more careful, right? Wrong. He’s going to fall in love again
because ‘why not?’ and give his heart to ‘someone special’. Yeah, like, everyone’s special when
you’re in love. Then they break your heart and that’s the reason we hear this song every year.
The story goes on.

Secondly, even worse, he sings that he was a fool and he knows it. So now he’s going to be
more careful, right? Wrong. Just one kiss from the heartbreaker and he’s the same old idiot.
Dude, don’t you get it? Women are evil! Where’s the ‘twice shy’ part in all of it? Seems like he just
likes getting bitten and bitten. Well, that may be nice actually.

This is a really weird essay, I’m not even sure what is it about but I’m going to send it
anyway. If you don’t like it, I’ll be more careful with my writing in the future. Once bitten, twice

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