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How to Eat a Healthy Diet

How to Eat a Healthy Diet

How to Eat a Healthy Diet
If you are what you eat, it follows that you want to stick to a healthy diet that‟s well balanced. “You
want to eat a variety of foods,” says Stephen Bickston, MD, AGAF, professor of internal medicine
and director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center at Virginia Commonwealth University Health
Center in Richmond. “You don‟t want to be overly restrictive of any one food group or eat too much
of another.”
Healthy Diet: The Building Blocks
The best source of meal planning for most Americans is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food Pyramid. The pyramid, updated in 2005,
suggests that for a healthy diet each day you should eat:
 6 to 8 servings of grains. These include bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and at least 3 servings
should be from whole grains. A serving of bread is one slice while a serving of cereal is 1/2 (cooked)
to 1 cup (ready-to-eat). A serving of rice or pasta is 1/2 cup cooked (1 ounce dry). Save fat-laden
baked goods such as croissants, muffins, and donuts for an occasional treat.
 2 to 4 servings of fruits and 4 to 6 servings of vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables are
naturally low in fat, making them a great addition to your healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables also
provide the fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need for your body‟s systems to function at peak
performance. Fruits and vegetables also will add flavor to a healthy diet. It‟s best to serve them
fresh, steamed, or cut up in salads. Be sure to skip the calorie-laden toppings, butter, and
mayonnaise, except on occasion. A serving of raw or cooked vegetables is equal to 1/2 cup (1 cup
for leafy greens); a serving of a fruit is 1/2 cup or a fresh fruit the size of a tennis ball.
 2 to 3 servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese. Choose dairy products wisely. Go for fat-free or
reduced-fat milk or cheeses. Substitute yogurt for sour cream in many recipes and no one will notice
the difference. A serving of dairy is equal to 1 cup of milk or yogurt or 1.5 to 2 ounces of cheese.
 2 to 3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts. For a healthy diet, the best
ways to prepare beef, pork, veal, lamb, poultry, and fish is to bake or broil them. Look for the words
“loin” or “round” in cuts of meats because they‟re the leanest. Remove all visible fat or skin before
cooking, and season with herbs, spices, and fat-free marinades. A serving of meat, fish, or poultry is
2 to 3 ounces. Some crossover foods such as dried beans, lentils, and peanut butter can provide
protein without the animal fat and cholesterol you get from meats. A ¼ cup cooked beans or 1
tablespoon of peanut butter is equal to 1 ounce of lean meat.
 Use fats, oils, and sweets sparingly. No diet should totally eliminate any one food group, even
fats, oils, and sweets. It‟s fine to include them in your diet as long as it‟s on occasion and in
moderation, Bickston says.
Healthy Diet: Eat Right and the Right Amount
How many calories you need in a day depends on your sex, age, body type, and how active you are.
Generally, active children ages 2 to 8 need between 1,400 and 2,000 calories a day. Active teenage
girls and women can consume about 2,200 calories a day without gaining weight. Teenage boys and
men who are very active should consume about 3,000 calories a day to maintain their weight. If
you‟re not active, you calorie needs drop by 400 to 600 calories a day.
The best way to know how much to eat is to listen to your body, says Donald Novey, MD, an
integrative medicine physician with the Advocate Medical Group in Park Ridge, Ill. “Pull away from
the table when you‟re comfortable but not yet full. Wait about 20 minutes,” he says. “Usually your
body says, „That‟s good.‟ If you‟re still hungry after that, you might want to eat a little more.”
Healthy Diet: Exercise Is Part of the Plan
At the bottom of the new USDA food pyramid is a space for exercise. Exercise is an important
component of a well-balanced diet and good nutrition. You can reap “fabulous rewards,” says Dr
Novey, just by exercising and eating “a healthy diet of foods that nature provides.”
Learn more in the Everyday Health Healthy Living Center.
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In a cautious estimate, about 15% of the couples are all those who do not become parents during a
year, when 25 to 30% married couples are two that are inferior with INFERTILITY problems. In such
a situation, people of Pakistan are also two.
This problem is not just about women, but it can be either or both.
40-30% of men are male-obliteration and 70-60 percent because of women, when both of them
occur in 10 to 20% .Used water does not change, if the cause is discovered, treatment is possible.
If a pregnancy is not found for a year after marriage, it is not worried. In this case, the spouse should
consult with the physician.
If the woman is 30 years old then this age is best for the baby‟s birth.
Women‟s digestion has naturally good reproductive edges, not growing, but their age starts
decreasing. A child who has been in mother‟s womb for 20 weeks, Interruptions
It contains 50 to 70 million eggs. This is a huge number of diseases, which is in a mother.
Stages begin to end at this stage.
Then the number of children remains on the birth of 10 to 20 million.
When the woman‟s age is 40 years, only 3% of the remaining remainder and 51 years of age when a
woman begins to sleep, the number of these seeds is only 100.This will naturally disappear every
month. The duration of elimination can be less or more .While many ends soon, and somebody else
is late.
Say, if 25 years of age face a problem with a respiratory problem, then she should refer to a
specialist physician. If she goes to the general physician, she wastes time and after reaching 40
years of age At its reproduction, a large number of people lose their reproductive standards,
resulting in a child born with defects or abortions.
Apart from this, there are many reasons for abortion .If these are considered, then the next get rid of
the confusion .But sometimes there is a problem in the womb, which has to be spent. The error
address goes from Ultra-Sound.
Similarly, there were complaints of respiratory in the past, but in this time these languages used to
be common language. Interruptions
People used to pardon it on destructive fate. In the form of development, as advances and
advancement of technologies, respiratory treatment was also discovered. It has been found that
concerns relating to change in nutrition and lifestyle. There are problems and mental stresses of
metaphor, thyroid globally. When mental pressure increases, production of reproductive materials
is stopped.
Keep in mind that at the age of 30 women‟s reproductive seeds begin to decrease and the chances
of becoming her mother at the age of 40 are someday. Sometimes it also happens that there are
adequate amounts of seeds, But women do not become mother. This is due to the fact that their
hormones are worsened, then specialist therapists correct this disorder, thus increasing the
pediatrician‟s growth.
Approximately thirty percent of men‟s reproductive substance is not dynamic and its amount is
reduced, so a particular method of treatment called “IUI”, with the help of large amounts of
reproductive material in the vagina Reaches, which increases the chances of fertility of seeds. This
method of treatment is tested, where the reproductive substance is not dynamic or moderate.
Apart from this, the second method of treatment called “IVF”, is mixed with female reproductive
edema in the laboratory from the reproductive material of men. In this process, the genre (EMBRYO)
is prepared, which keeps in germs from three to five days. This genre is then placed in female
vagina .If this way she is not pregnant then the third method is “ICCI” (ICSI is adopted.
In this, reproductive substance is transmitted directly to the vagina with the help of syringe so that it
can be enriched.
In these modes, many vaccines are done and tests are also done, such as women, have trouble,
which have to endure to become a mother.
source UrduPoint.

Release of diabetes
‫‪Release of diabetes‬‬
‫‪Release of diabetes‬‬
‫سے پ یدل چ ل نے ک ی ورزش شروع ک رن ے ک ا ف ی ص لہ ک یا‪،‬ل ی کن ب اق اعدگ ی عمران ن ے اچھی صحت ک ے ل یے‬
‫جب جاڑے آت ے ‪ ،‬سخت سردی ک ی وجہ سے وہ ی ہ ورزش ت رک ک ر دی تا اور پ ھر مو سم ٹ ھ یک ہ ون ے پ ر ی ہ س ل س لہ‬
‫شروع ک ر دی تا۔اس ک ے سات ھ م س ئ لہ ی ہ ت ھا ک ہ وہ گ ھر پ ر ک سی ق سم ک ی ورزش ن ہ یں ک ر س ک تا ت ھا۔جاڑوں‬
‫ک ب ھی خوب ل گ تی ت ھی ‪،‬اس ل یے وہ جی ب ھر ک ر م ٹھائ یاں ‪،‬ک یک ک ے پ ورے مو سم م یں چوں ک ہ ب ھو‬
‫۔ا ت یل رک مک نزو ڈن وپ‪ 18‬رک لچ لد یپ ر ھپ روا اتا ھک ہر یغو ٹ ک سب ‪ ،‬ں ایر ٹ س یپ‪،‬‬
‫وق ت آ سان ن ہ یں ہ وت ا ت ھا۔ج سم ک و عادی ب ن نے م یں ہ ر سال ک چھ دوب ارہ پ یدل چ ل نے ک ی ورزش شروع ک رن ا‬
‫۔ل گ تا ت ھا ‪،‬پ ھر ت ھ کن ب ھی س تات ی ت ھی‬
‫اپ ری ل ک ی ای ک رات ا سے پ یاس ن ے ب ہت ت نگ ک یا۔ای ک گ ھ ن ٹے ک ے ان در وہ ک وال م شروب ک ے ک ئی ڈب ے پ ی‬
‫گ یا۔ ص بح اس ک ی حال ت ٹ ھ یک ن ہ یں ت ھی ۔‬
‫وہ ج یس ت ی سے ا س پ تال پ ہ نچا‪،‬ج ہاں اس ک ے ٹ ی سٹ ہ وئ ے اور ا سے ذی اب یطس ک ا مری ض ق رار دے دی ا گ یا۔‬
‫ٹ ی کے ل گا ئ ے گ ئے اور جب خون م یں ش کر ک ی سطح م عمول پ ر ک ے تک وہاں روزانہ اُسے انسولینای ک ہ ف تے‬
‫۔آگ ئی ت و ا سے خود ٹ ی کے ل گان ے ک ا طری قہ س کھان ے ک ے ب عد گ ھر جان ے ک ی اجازت دے دی گ ئی‬
‫۔ک ے ل یے م ن ع قدہ ک الس م یں ب ھی شری ک ہ وت ا رہ ا ا س پ تال م یں ق یام ک ے دوران عمران ذی اب یطس ک ے مری ضوں‬
‫اس کالس میں ذیابیطس کے مریضوں کے لیے غذائی پر ہیز کی تفصیالت بتائی جاتی تھیں ۔اس طرح اسے معلوم ہو گیا کہ صحت بخش‬
‫مضر صحت غذائیں کون کون سی ہیں ۔اسے یہ بھی بتایا گیا کہ اب‬‫ِ‬ ‫سے ک ھان ے پ ی نے ک ی ا ش یا ب ازار غذائیں کون سی اور‬
‫۔خری دن ے ک ے س ل س لے م یں ک یا اح ت یاط ک رن ی چاہ یے‬
‫موث ر ث اب ت ہ وت ی ہ ے ‪،‬ن ہ صرف ی ہ ک ہ اس‬ ‫سب سے اہ م ب ات ی ہ ب تائ ی گ ئی ک ہ ورزش اس س ل س لے م یں ب ہت ٴ‬
‫ہ ضم ب ھی ہ و سے خون م یں ش کر ک ی سطح ک م رہ تی ہ ے ‪،‬ب ل کہ اس ک ی وجہ سے ک ھای ا پ یا صح یح طور پ ر‬
‫جات ا ہ ے اور ج سم م یں ت وان ائ ی ب ر ق رار رہ تی ہ ے ۔جب مو سم ٹ ھ یک ہ و گ یا ت و اس ن ے اگ لی ص بح سے چ ہل‬
‫پ وری س نج یدگ ی سے شروع ک ر دی ا۔ک بھی ب ارش ب ھی ہ ون ے ل گ تی ت و وہ چھ تری ت ان ک ر پ روگ رام ق دمی ک ا‬
‫ل ق دمی ک ر ک ے گ ھر ل وٹ تا ۔اس ن ے اب پ اؤں چ کی (ٹ ری ڈمل (ب ھی خری د ل ی ت ھی ۔مو سم ن کل جات ا اور‪53‬م نٹ چہ‬
‫۔ب ہت خراب ہ وت ا ت و اس م ش ین ک ے پ ٹے پ ر وہ ‪53‬م نٹ ت ک ب ھا گ تا‬
‫اس ک ے ع الوہ دف تر آت ے جات ے ب ھی ‪2‬م یل پ یدل چ ل نے ل گا۔اس ک ی غذائ ی عادات ب دل گ ئی ت ھ یں ۔اب وہ م یدے‬
‫‪،‬زی اں ‪،‬ب ے چھ نے آٹ ے ک ی روٹ ی ‪ ،‬ب س کٹ ب غ یر ب االئ ی ک ا دودھ سے ب نی ہ وئ ی چ یزی ں ن ہ یں ک ھات ا ت ھا۔ سب‬
‫دہ ی اس ک ی م عمول ک ی غذا ک ا ح صہ ب ن گ ئے ۔اب وہ دن م یں ت ین ک ھان ے ک ھا ت ا ت ھا۔ک ھان ے ک ے دو ت ین‬
‫ن ے ک و جی چاہ تا ت و پ ھل ک ھا ج گہ گ اجر ک ھات ا اور ک بھی م ی ٹھا ک ھا ک ی گ ھ ن ٹے ب عد ک وئ ی پ ھل ک ھات ا ۔چ پس‬
‫۔ک ر ت ش فی ک ر ل ی تا‬
‫گھر سے باہر ہوٹل وغیرہ میں اُبلی یا سینکی ہوئی مچھلی کھالیتا اور کبھی روغنی کھانا کھابھی لیتا تو رات کا کھانا بہت مختصر اور‬
‫ب ل کہ ک بھی صرف س بزی وں ک ے سالد پ رہ ی گ زارا ک ر ل ی تا۔اس ک ا معمول ت ھا ک ہ وہ ہ ف تے ک ی‬،‫ہ ل کا ک ھات ا‬
‫ل ی کن اب ی ہ چ یزی ں ا سے‬، ‫ت کے اور آل و شوق سے ک ھات ا ت ھا‬، ‫ن ہ یں ت ھ یں ۔وجہ پ س ند رات ت لی ہ وئ ی مچھ لی‬
‫۔ صرف ی ہ ت ھی ک ہ اب اس م یں صحت ک ی اہم یت ک ا ش عور پ یدا ہ و گ یا ت ھا‬
‫ول ک ا ن ت یجہ ی ہ ن کال ک ہ ا سے اب ا س پ تال سے ل وٹ نے ک ے ای ک مہ ی نے ب عد اس غذائ ی اور ورز شی معم‬
‫ان سول ین ک ی ضرورت ن ہ یں رہ ی ت ھی ۔ صرف آدھی گ ول ی ک ھال یا ک رت ا ت ھا ۔وہ مہ ی نے ب عد اس ک ی ضرورت ب ھی‬
‫ن ہ یں رہ ی اور اس ک ے ج سم م یں جمع چرب ی ت یزی سے ک م ہ ون ے ل گی۔اس ک ے دو ست اس ک ے چھری ر ے ب دن‬
،‫جب اسے یہ یقین ہوا کہ وہ تیزی سے ُدبال ہورہا ہے اور یئ انا وت‬، ‫خوش مزاجی پر رشک کرنے لگے تھے ۔یہ پہلی سردیاں تھیں‬
،‫۔ اہر ا ٹ ھگ ں ی ہن وت نزو ا نپا ے س یز یت ہد ایز ھ چک ہو ہک ا ھت ا ت گل ےن وہ ہ ب ش ت اقوا ض عب ہ ک لب‬
‫ل ی کن اس ک ے اب ت و عمران ک و ب ھوک ب ھی خوب ل گ رہ ی ت ھی اور و ہ م عمول سے ک چھ ز‬، ‫ی ادہ ہ ی ک ھان ے ل گا ت ھا‬
‫ی ع نی‬، ‫جب ک ہ ج سمان ی ت و ا ن ائ ی م یں ا ضاف ہ ہ وت ا جارہ ا ت ھا ۔اس ن ے ع ضالت‬، ‫ب اوجود وزن ن ہ یں ب ڑھ رہ ا ت ھا‬
‫پ ٹھے م ض بوط ک رن ے ک ے ل یے ڈم ب لز ب ھی خری د ل یے ت ھے ۔اس ک ی ورز شوں سے اب ج سم ٹ ھوس ہ وت ا جارہ ا‬
‫۔ت ھا‬
‫پ ون ڈ گ ھ ٹای ا ت ھا اور خون ا س پ تال چھوڑن ے ک ے ای ک سال ب عد اس ک ا‬47 ‫پ ون ڈ پ ر آگ یا۔اس ن ے اپ نا وزن‬071 ‫وزن‬
‫ رہ گ ئی‬001 ‫ ت ھی م یں ش کر ک ی سطح‬،‫ے ل ہپ لا س کیا ہک بج‬290‫یک سا۔ا ھت نار یح ی ھب جلا عم اک سا۔ ی ھت‬
‫۔رائ ے م یں ی ہ ای ک م عجزے سے ک م ن ہ ت ھا‬
‫ت ارادی کا نتیجہ قرار دے رہا تھا ۔یقین جانیے وہ اب ایک نیا انسان ہے ۔خود کو وہ ا سے عمران ک ی م ض بوط‬ ِ ‫قو‬61 ‫سال کی عمر کا‬
‫توانا رہتا ہے اور پورے وثوق سے کہہ سکتا‬، ‫نوجوان کہے تو غلط نہ ہو گا۔اب وہ اچھی نیند لیتا ہے ۔خوب محنت کرتا ہے ۔تھکتا نہیں‬
‫عمر قید نہیں ہے ۔اس قید‬
ِ ‫سے رہ ائ ی ی ق ی نا مل س ک تی ہ ے ۔آپ ب ھی ک و شش ک رک ے دی کھ یے! آزاد اور ہے کہ ذیابیطس‬
‫ت وان ا رہ یں گ ے ۔‬
Imran decided to take a regular walkout exercise for good health, but when he was awake, he
could abandon the exercise due to severe cold and then it would start the chain when the weather
was fixed. Problem with It was that he could not do any exercise at home. During the whole season
of the appetite that hungry seemed good, he would eat and drink sweets, cakes, pastries, biscuits,
and then walk pedestrian 18 pounds Craving
It was not easy to start walking exercises again. It took time every year to become moderate, then
fatigue was tired.
He thirsted a thirsty night a night in April. In one hour, he had a lot of copper drinks. It was not good
at all.
He reached the third hospital, where he was tested and was diagnosed with a diabetes.
For a week there were insulin vaccines daily, and when the level of blood sugar reached normal, it
was allowed to go home after teaching it a self-diagnosis.
During the hospital, Imran continued to join the class held for patients of diabetes.
This class describes food on the food for diabetes patients.
Thus it became known that which healthy and nutritious foods are which foods are also said to be
aware that now what should be done in order to buy goods from the market.
The most important thing is that exercise is very effective in this regard, not only because it reduces
the level of blood sugar, but due to this, the thirst becomes properly digestive and the body also I
feel energy.
When the weather got well, he started a walkout program from the next morning very seriously.
Some rain had started, he would go through the umbrellas and return home for a walk of 35 minutes
.He now got foot (Treadmill) He also boughtit .If it was very bad then on the straps of this machine
he ran for 35 minutes.
Apart from this, going to the office started walking distance of 2 miles. Its nutritional habits had
changed.Release of diabetes
Now he did not eat things made from the mud. Lunches, unhealthy bread, biscuit without hair,
The yogurt became part of her usual diet. She had three meals in the day. He used to eat three
meals after three hours. He used to eat a carrot and carries sweet food to eat food. .
In the outside of the hotel, the lunch or cooked fish was cooked, and once the food was cooked, the
dinner would eat very short and light, but would have spent only on the salad of vegetable.
It was a routine that he used to eat fried fish, tears and potatoes with hobbies last night, but
these things did not like him now. It was just because he had a consciousness of health. Release of
One month after returning from the hospital, the result of this diet and normalization came out that it
was no longer needed for insulin.
She did not even need it after months and the fat in her body began to decrease rapidly. His friends
began to bribe her body, energy, and happiness. These were the first beds, when she believed this It
is possible that he is getting screaming, but sometimes it seems to be suspicious that he did not
slowly reduce his weight.
Now Imran was feeling hungry and he used to eat a little more than usual, but still he was not
growing weight, while physical growth was increasing.
He also bought dumplings to strengthen the muscles, namely, his body was solid.
One year after leaving the hospital, he weighed at 170 pounds. He reduced his weight of £ 74 and
the blood sugar level was 100, when he was 290 a year ago. His physician was surprised too. Was
not less than miracles. Release of diabetes
He was giving it the result of the intention of the strongest power of Imran.
Be sure that she is a new person now .Your son says Khud is a 61 year old person. It will not
be wrong. She takes good sleep. The work harder does not know, she does not know, she says, and
can tell her wholeheartedly that diabetes Age is not in prison .This release can definitely be found
.You too try! Free and humble.
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