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March 10, 2019


I am writing this letter to introduce myself. I am a very dedicated, hard working, and well
rounded student. Being the president of photo club has strengthened my leadership and
communication skills, as well as being able to work well with others. As a student attending
Carson High School I am determined to reach for goals far from the minimum standards set in
order to graduate with the class of 2019.

A very crucial goal of mine is to become a first generation college student among my immediate
family and graduate from a university. This alone has driven me to try and do new things and
take opportunities I wouldn't have taken before, so I can be the best I possibly can be. I have
been through hardship and struggle, so I try my hardest to give back and help people going
through similar situations. After a lot of thinking I have decided I want a career revolving around
film or media. There are many opportunities that are open for me and I am excited to explore
each and every one of them.

My best work sample was a video project addressing an inquiry question that regarded the topic
of memory, “How does our memory work?” This was made for my advisory class in 11th grade.
However instead of showing how our memory worked, the film's plot was based on something
that our memory is incapable of doing. With the help of my friends, we were able to film an
intriguing video that was also fairly entertaining, considering the continuous laughs by the
audience when presented. I had done all the cinematography and editing for the video and it is
one of my favorite things I have ever created. I learned how fun it is to produce a product
through a creative outlet.

The creation of my portfolio has had more of an importance the older I become. It has helped me
become organized as well as structured. Hopefully it will be very useful in the future when I
apply for jobs or just for anything of importance.


Jason Bauguess

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