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5/5/2019 roles and skills - Google Docs

1. Record Keeping- I spent about 3 hours a week in the records department. I learned how the individual

charts were set up, how the notes were filed, how IOP was filed compared to residential. I also helped

them develop a system in their archive’s room so they could find past charts of clients easier. I learned

the importance of being organized in this skill.Numerous times papers needed faxed to various outside

agencies and without those charts being organized you could lose valuable time looking for a specific

paper. I learned how easily this could happen when a client’s application for assistance came up missing

and was found in another client’s chart. The client’s had same name just different spellings.

2. Group facilitation (or co-facilitation)-I learned the skills for this role by observing a counselor and

another group facilitator in various classes. The counselor that I was shadowing observed me lead a

group and eventually I was able to lead a group myself. I learned that to lead a group you have to be able

to think outside the box, be creative and be flexible because it doesn’t always go as planned. I also

learned that boundaries were important in group because you don’t want one person to do all the talking.

I also learned that participation was just as important, it encourages the clients to share and provide

feedback to other group members. I had a client that would only share with certain facilitators and

eventually I got him to share in our group with me facilitating it.

3. Case Management- I learned the skills of this role by shadowing the case managers. I was given a client

and had to set up appointments and transportation and had to juggle this between their groups and

classes. I learned that the case managers have multiple duties within the facility and I also learned that to

be effective in case management you need to balance your time, have multiple resources, have effective

communication skills and be able to work with various types of personalities. 1/1

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