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Independent Study: Cultural Activity

Alexia Bailey

Interview a Native Speaker

I interviewed my boyfriend, Guillermo Rached, and his parents, Maria and Ansberto.

They are all from Venezuela. I asked a total of five questions, which all had elaborate answers.

At first, I asked, “Why did you (and your family) move to the U.S.?” I was given a few

responses, because of the security situation in Venezuela was getting out of hand, Maria and

Ansberto just wanted their kids to have a better life. The main reason though, was because it is

safer to live here than in Venezuela.

My second question was “Compared to Venezuela, what are some of the major

differences that you noticed in the U.S.?” Guillermo replied with “the air.” He said the smell in

the air was cleaner. The way we live life in the U.S. is more organized, and at first glance,

everyone follows the laws. Maria said that the “culture, language, food, and traditions” were all

noticeably different and new them. Ansberto mentioned how everything is more organized and

that basic utilities actually work when you want them to.

Question number three was, “Do you like the U.S. more or less than Venezuela?”

Ansberto and Guillermo said that they like the U.S better, only because of the opportunities, but

Maria misses Venezuela. Of course, they all miss it though. I then asked what they missed

about Venezuela the most and they all replied “family.”

My final question was, “If you could go back, would you?” To which Ansberto and Maria

said, “no.” The situation for their family is better here. They want their kids, Guillermo, Camila,

and Santiago to have more opportunities in their lives.

This concludes my interview!

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