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Fertility rate in social classes:

In our society, there are three main classes on the basis of economy. These are as follow:

i. Upper class
ii. Middle class
iii. Lower class

In highly underdeveloped area where feudal lord are living they have power and also have a
authority due to highly underdevelopment and conservative thinking feudal give birth to more
children they centralize all the outdoor facilities to their male child rather the facilities of living
in a home and to learn how to manage a big family is taught to the daughter of the house.

Upper class

In upper class income did not affect its family members. Usually upper class have less children
like, they have one or two children. They focus on their children’s education and their standard
of living and health.

The family size preferences can take various forms. Within the context of a particular family,
parents may desire at least one child of each sex, or approximately equal number of particular
sons and daughters. It can be argued that the difference between the desired family size and
actual family can be attributed to the socio-economic status. The desire to have few children
usually precedes the actual decline in fertility. A strong preference of one sex can be a constraint
on fertility decline if a couple that achieved their preferred family size continues to bear children
until they achieve their desired number of sons or daughters. Some of the reasons stated for
desiring more children are that they are a source of wealth, continuity of the family, a source of
help in old age, as a sense of honor, and also to remain with kids even if when.

Economic status:

Household economic status also plays an important role in fertility rate. Women of high
economic status are likely to possess maximum and expensive household goods and have
exposure to modern services and also likely to be better educated. In order to maintain their
standard, they may prefer to have fewer children compared to women of lower economic class.

Problem due to high fertility rate:

High fertility rate creates problems of inadequacy of basic human needs such as food, housing,
safe water, health care, proper sanitation and other essential services.

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