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Djenabou kande

DR. Smith

Engl-101 F15B

Jan, 28 , 2019

Most likely this Shaw's is telling us , in life if you want something go for it no matter

how hard it is, and if it doesn't work find a way to make it work if that's what you really want in

the future. I agree with Shaw's because in life you can't expect to be someone you wants to be in

the future if you do not work hard to be that person. So in that case it all goes the same as being a

better writer in English class, for example as someone like me who isn't good at writing when it

comes to write an essay, the best thing for me to do knowing that this is very important for all

my courses and major. If I want to be better at writing papers, first I have to read more to

improve my grammars, because I do not like to read this is the reason why most of my

grammars spelling are not correct sometime, go to tutoring most of the time to ask for help will

help me to improve my writing skills if I want to be better at writing my essay in all my classes.

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