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1.a 3.d 5.b 7.d 9.b 11.a 13.c 15.c

2.b 4.b 6.b 8.b 10.c 12.b 14.c

16.To carry out a formal planning process, there are four steps. Firstly, there should be an

establishment for the targets. Next is the measurement of real results and performance.

Thirdly, making a comparison among the actual outcomes versus the objectives and

requirements. Finally, taking any additional and necessary actions.

17. Feedforward control has several components, which has a thorough selection with a view to

ensuring the outcomes are desirable and meet the defined targets. Regarding local bookstore

business, one affluent factor is the rapport established between staffs and customers. To

enable a good relationship, training program is so important.

18. Theory Y’s concept by Douglas McGregor includes the assumption that employees could

receive the trust to perform self-control in their working environment. This is the fundamental

of internal control, which not only pushes personal outcomes, but also the organizational


19. Specifically in the case of commit wrong behaviour regarding the organizational rules, there

should be a discipline adjustment with respect to progressive discipline system. It could be start

by providing a verbal warning, followed by a written one and finally, paid penalty. In the most

severe case, there should be a dismissal.

20. In order to set up a building in college campus for students, following steps are necessary.

Firstly, the institution needs to collect the land survey, as well as construction permission from

the government. Secondly, they should be provided with a decent plan in terms of architecture

and others related. Next, contractors and subcontractors are required. After the basic

constructions are finally done, a fulfilment for exterior and interior goods should be installed


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