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Opening Remarks

Goodmorning to each everyone who are here instead of taking their Holidays outside and being with us on our first ever
Family event. For those who don’t know me yet, I’m Dyan, one of the Kids Teacher and the coordinator For 10AM
service and 12 noon service. Let me give you a short background what is Kids Ministry. Since In Victory, we value
children. That’s why we invest our time, energy, and care on them at Victory Kids. With a “whatever-ittakes” attitude,
we are committed to train the next generation to honor God and make disciples. We want the kids to have a fun time
learning about Jesus. Our hope is that every child will have a life-changing encounter with Jesus in our Victory Kids
services , That’s why we are creating avenues and events to partner with you dear parents and future parents to mold
the children the way that Gods want them to be.

As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as
these.” Matthew 19:14

Yes you hear it right our First Family event. Usually Kids ministry in general, organizing a camp entitled “Me and My
Dad” . The goal of the camp is to have a quality bonding while learning. Today marks our attempt to also answer the
question why only dads how about those moms who also want to spend time with the kids? Now Kids ministry had
designed this Family Fun day to be a family Learning experience on how to express their love in the right way. So, in
behalf of Ate cathy and Pastor Ferdy, the Mangulabnan Family Ate Nia and Kuya AJ, Arlene coordinator FOR 3and 4PM
service, who spearheaded this activity and the rest of the Kids Volunteer who are here, we hope that you sit back relax
and enjoy the exciting things that we had prepare for you, Again thank you very much!

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