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• Assumption of OLS: X variables are

independent. That is, they are not correlated with
each other

• Meaning of Multicollinearity: It explains

presence of a perfect (or) less than perfect linear
relationship among some or all Xs

1. No
2. Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Very High
• In practice one rarely encounters perfect

• But, cases of near or very high

multicollinearity arise in many applications

• Thus, multicollinearity is a question of degree

• Note that nonlinear relationship between

variables does not imply multicollinearity
What, if there is multicollinearity?
• Separate influence of Xs on Y can’t be assessed

• Example:
Consumption = f (Income, Wealth)

• If I and W have linear relationship (i.e. if they

move exactly together), there is no way to asses
their separate influence on consumption
Intuitive Reasoning

• We know that in multiple regression, B2 measures

change in the mean value of Y per unit change in
X2, holding value of X3 constant

• In this circumstances, if X2 and X3 are perfectly

collinear, there is no way X3 be kept constant

• As X2 changes so does X3
Sources of multicollinearity

(a) Model Constraints or Specification:

• Electricity consumption = f (Income, House


• Both Xs are important for the model

• Becoz., families with high incomes

generally have larger homes than otherwise
(b) Overestimated model:

• When the model has more Xs than the number

of observations

• Example:
Information collected on large number of
variables from small no. of patients
(C) Data generation:

• Most economic data are not obtained in

controlled laboratory experiments

• Example: GDP, stock prices, profits

• If data could be obtained experimentally, we

would not allow collinearity to come up

• Thus, multicollinearity is a sample

phenomenon arising out of non-experimental
data generated in social sciences
X1 X2 X3
10 50 52
15 75 75
18 90 97
24 120 129
30 150 152

X2 =5 X1, there is a perfect multicollinearity (r12=1)

r23 = 0.995 (highly correlated, but not perfect!).
With 2 X variables, use simple correlation; with more
than 2, partial correlation.
where r12 implies simple correlation
Is multicollinearity problem most

• No, provided it is “imperfect” in nature

• So long as collinearity is not perfect, OLS

estimators still retain BLUE property

• This is because imperfect multicollinearity per

se doesn’t violate other assumption of OLS

• Anyway perfect collinearity is an extreme

Then, why all the fuss?
Because multicollinearity has some
practical consequences
(a) Theory Vs. Practice:

• Theoretically inclusion of two Xs might be

warranted. But, it may create practical

• Example:
 Consumption = f (Income, Wealth)
Although, income & wealth are logical
candidates to explain consumption, they
might be correlated – wealthier people tend
to have higher incomes

Ideal solution here would be to have sample

observations of both wealthy individuals with
low-income and high-income individuals
with low wealth
(b) High Standard Error (SE):
• In the presence of multicollinearity the SE
and variance of OLS estimators become

• If SE of an estimator increases, it becomes

more difficult to estimate true value of
(c) Wider confidence intervals:
• Because of large SEs

• Hence, probability of accepting a false

hypothesis (Type II error) or H0:B2:0
(d) Insignificant t ratios:
• For the purpose of hypothesis testing, we
use following t ratio
b2  B2
t 
se (b2 )

• Here, if SE is large due to multicollinearity,

t values will be smaller

• As such one will increasingly accept

(e) High R2 and F ratio but few significant t

• One or more bs are individually

statistically insignificant on the basis of t

• R2 may be so high

• F test can reject H0:b2=b3=…..=bk=0

• This is indeed a sign of presence of

(f) Sensitivity of results:

• In the presence of multicollinearity, OLS

estimators and their SEs become very
sensitive to small changes in data

(g) Wrong signs:

• Regression coefficients will have

wrong/unexpected signs
Detection of multicollinearity
– Some thumb rules

(1) High R2 and F ratio but few significant t

• One or more bs are individually statistically
insignificant on the basis of t test

• R2 may be so high

• F test can reject H0:b2=b3=…..=bk=0

• This is the commonly used detection
• Used as preliminary evidence, which can
be confirmed with other techniques
(2) zero-order (or) pair-wise (or) simple correlation
coefficient (r):

• r measures degree of linear association between

two variables, say X and Y

• r can be computed in two ways:

r   r2
r 
x y i i

 x  
y i2 
• If r between two Xs is high, say in excess of 0.8,
then multicollinearity can be a serious problem

• However, if there are more than two explanatory

variables in the model, partial correlation
coefficient will provide a more accurate
assessment of presence or absence of
(3) High partial correlation:

• In general r is not likely to reflect true degree of

association between Y and X in the presence of
another variable, say X1

• What we need is a correlation coefficient that is

independent of influence, if any, of X1 on X and Y

• Such a correlation coefficient is known as partial

correlation coefficient
• Partial correlation represents correlation between
two variables holding another variable constant

• Conceptually it is similar to partial regression


• Example: r 12 . 3 – Represents correlation between

variables 1 (say Y) and 2 (say X), holding a third
variable (X1) constant
• Consider 3 Xs (X2, X3 & X4) in a regression

• Under zero-order correlation X2 and X3 might

be highly correlated

• But under partial correlation (where we hold

influence of X4 constant) X2 and X3 might not
be highly correlated
• Thus, in the context of several Xs reliance of
zero-order correlation to check multicollinearity
can be misleading.

r12  r13 r23

r12.3 
1  r 1  r 
• Partial correlations give above are called
first order correlation coefficients

• By order we mean the number of

secondary subscripts

• Thus, r12.34 would be correlation coefficient

of order two, r12.345 would be of order three
and so on.
(4) Auxiliary regressions:

Step 1: Regress each Xs on remaining X

variables (called auxiliary regressions) and
get corresponding R2, which we designate as

Step 2: Construct the following F-statistic

R x2i . x2 x3 .... xk /(k  2)

Fi 
1  R 2
xi . x2 x3 .... xk /(n  k  1)
Where n = sample size
k = no. of Xs including intercept term
R2xi.x2x3….xk = R2 value from a single
auxiliary regression
k-2 = Numerator d.f.
n-k+1 = Denominator d.f.

Step 3: For any single auxiliary regression, if

computed F exceeds the critical F at chosen
 and given d.f. in numerator and
denominator, it is taken that particular Xi is
collinear with other Xs. Otherwise, the
reverse conclusion will apply.
Problem with this rule: Computational
(5) Klien’s rule of thumb:

• Lawrence R. Klien proposed this rule

• Step 1: Obtain R2 from auxiliary regression

• Step 2: Obtain R2 from the regression of Y

on all the Xs (Overall R2)

• Step 3: If R2 from Step 1  R2 from Step 2,

then multicollinearity might be present
(7) Variance inflating factor (VIF):

• The speed with which variances increase can be

seen with the VIF

• VIF shows how the variance of an estimator is

inflated by the presence of multicollinearity

• VIF is defined as follows

(1  rx2 x3 )
• Here r2x2x3 is the r-squared value obtained from
the auxiliary regression of x2 variable on x3

• Note that as r2x2x3 approaches 1, VIF approaches


• In other words, as the extent of collinearity

increases, variance of an estimator increases

• If there is no collinearity between x2 and x3 VIF

will be 1
• Thus, larger the value of VIF w.r.t a single X
variable, the more “troublesome” or collinear
that variable is with other Xs

• Rule of thumb: If VIF of a X exceeds 10,

which will happen if r2j or R2j exceeds 0.90, that
variable is said to be highly collinear

• R2j is R2 in the regression of a single X variable

on remaining Xs in the model [Auxiliary regression]
(8) Tolerance factor:
• The inverse of VIF is called Tolerance factor
(TOL). That is,
TOL j  (or) (1  R 2j )

• When R2j = 1(i.e. perfect collinearity), TOL = 0

and when R2j = 0 (i.e. no collinearity), TOL = 1
• Therefore, closer is Tolerance to zero, the
greater the degree of collinearity of that
variable with other regressors

• The closer the Tolerance is to 1, greater the

evidence that xj not collinear with other
• To conclude:

We can’t tell which of these methods will

work in a given case
No single diagnostic will give as complete
handle over the collinearity problem
Since it is a sample specific problem, in
some situations it might be easy to diagnose
But in others one or more of various
methods will have to be used
In short, there is no easy solution to the
Remedial measures
• What can be done if multicollinearity is

• Unfortunately, there is no surefire remedy.

• There are only a few rules of thumb

• This is because multicollinearity is largely

data deficiency problem over which we don’t
have full control

• If the problem is with data there is not much

that can be done
Rules of thumb to eliminate
/reduce multicollinearity

(1 ) A priori information:

• When constructing the regression model one

can avoid Xs that can have linear relationship

• How?

• Previous empirical work, theory, intuitive

reasoning etc.
(2) Dropping the collinear variables:

• Simplest solution is to drop one or more of

the collinear variables

• But, this remedy can be worse than the


• Because this will lead to specification bias

• We construct regression models based on

some theoretical foundation
• Hence dropping variables for the sake of
multicollinearity will produce biased results

• The advice then is: do not drop a variable

from an theoretically variable model just
because of multicollinearity problem
(3) Transformation of variables/data:

• Applicable in case of time-series data

• In such data, multicollinearity emerges

because overtime variables tend to move in
the same direction

• One way to minimize this dependence is to

proceed as follows:

• Consider this relation: Yt=b1+b2X2t+b3X3t+et

• If it holds at time t, it must also hold at time

• Hence Yt-Yt-1=b2 (X2t-X2,t-1)+b3 (X3t-X3,t-1)+(et-

• Now the relationship is in first difference form

• If we run this regression, it reduces severity

of multicollinearity problem

• This is because there is no a priori reason to

believe that difference between variables will
also be highly correlated
• But this approach has the following

(a)There will be a loss of one observation

due to differencing procedure and hence
one d.f. will be lost

(b)This procedure may not be appropriate in

cross-sectional data where there is no
logical ordering of observations
(4) Ratio transformation of variables/data:

• This is another form of data transformation

• Consider the following model:


Where Y is consumption expenditure, X2

is GDP and X3 is total population
• Since GDP & population grow overtime, they
are likely to be correlated

• Using ratio transformation method we can

express the above model on a per capita
Yt  1   X 2t   ut 
• That is  b1    b2    b3   
X 3t  X 3t   X 3t   X 3t 
• Such a transformation may reduce
collinearity in original variables

• Population variable is now missing from the

model (Is this lead to specification bias?)
(5) Additional or new data:
• Sometimes, simply increasing sample size
may reduce collinearity problem provided it
helps to impart more variation in the data

(6) Specify the model correctly:

• Sometimes, a model chosen for empirical
analysis is not carefully thought out

• Some important variables may be omitted or

functional form of model is incorrectly chosen

• Avoiding this will solve major part of the


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