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To-do list after the installation of Linux Mint 18.

2 Xfce

Tip: print this list on paper, so that you can strike the items that you've done.


1.1 Select an update policy and apply all available updates
1.2 Better settings for Power Manager, terminal, Update Manager and for installing software
1.2.1 Laptop: enable battery icon in system tray
1.2.2 Improve the settings for installing software
1.2.3 Improve a terminal setting
1.2.4 Consider changing the settings of Update Manager
1.3 Drivers and full multimedia support
1.3.1 Install missing drivers
1.3.2 Install full multimedia support
1.4 Optimize your Solid State Drive (SSD)
1.5 Install some useful tools for system management
1.6 Decrease the swap use (important)
1.7 Turn on the firewall and set a root password
1.7.1 Turn on the firewall
1.7.2 Set the root password
1.8 Font support and Java
1.9 Avoid 10 fatal mistakes!
1.10 Solve some known bugs


2.1 Remove Mono, Orca and VirtualBox Guest software
2.2 Check whether the screen saver is configured correctly
2.3 Optimize Firefox
2.4 Tweak Libre Office
2.5 Install an extra web browser
2.6 Disable hibernation (suspend-to-disk)
2.6.1 How to undo
2.7 Disable the multiple workspaces
2.8 Disable the fast user switch
2.9 Tame your mouse and touchpad
2.10 Speed up your Linux Mint
2.11 Remove the option 'save session' from the logout window
2.12 Disable the mousewheel-rollup feature
2.13 Access your network disk (NAS) with Gigolo
2.14 Migrate your e-mail from Outlook (Express) in Windows, to Linux Mint
2.15 Multiple accounts: prevent other users from accessing the files in your account
2.16 Backup your panel


3.1 Repair a display error (window borders that disappear)
3.2 Use your own picture for wallpaper
3.3 Add a weather report to the panel
3.4 Improve the clock
3.5 Stop a window from maximizing when dragged to the top of the display
3.6 For little RAM: enable zRam
3.7 Install some simple games
3.8 Make the Grub boot menu pretty
3.9 Trick for shortcuts on the desktop
3.10 Turn Num Lock on automatically
3.11 Make available updates more prominent

Version 29

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