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My house is my favorite place. My house is located at Jl. Sanggar-Tambora. My house is not too
small and not too big. There are bedrooms, 2 bathroom, family room, guest room, kitchen,
garage and warehouse. In addition, my house has a large yard. Everyday, I always clean my
house include my bedroom. Every bedroom have a bed, dressing table, cupboard, wardrobe and
study desk.

Usually, we watch and talk about everything we experienced in family room. My family always
has quality time. Like in the morning and eating schedule, we always eat together, never eat
alone. Some of my time is spent in the room, whether to listen to songs, watch videos or sleep. I
always like being in a room. The room made me calm and my room was my favorite place.

Oh yeah, as I explained earlier, my house also has a kitchen. In my kitchen there is a head chef
whose cooking always makes me miss his cooking. The head of the chef is my mom. My mom
always wakes up earlier than us to prepare breakfast so we don't starve while at school.

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