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For my “30 day challenge” I chose to do something that is simple but at the same

time demanding in a way. I set out to achieve the goal of checking my PowerSchool
every single day for 30 days straight.

First of all, I know just by the sounds of this “challenge” it sounds easy enough to
do, and I agree! So I added a bit of a twist; if i found any late or missing assignments
while I was on their I had to them right at that very moment. This 30 day challenge
helped me work on many soft skills such as, responsibility, punctuality, and many
character skills.

Everyday at 12:00pm in my 4th hour class “Mrs. OK’s room”, I go either on my

iPhone or Google Chromebook and head to and look through all my
4 classes I take here at Concord and also include my class I take at the Jackson Area
Career Center. After doing that for 30 days or so I didn’t nessisarilly have a whole lot I
had to do or fix because I usually keep up on my assignments but don’t let that fool you,
This 30 day challenge taught me plenty of discipline.

In conclusion, I succeeded my 30 day challenge after a month of check back on all my

missing/late assignments using the app/website This motivates me
to always use tools that will help me get by in educational fields.

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