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As a 17 year old high school student, I can confidently say I am more than excited to

have the opportunity next year to be able to participate in voting for a representative to be in

office. Ever since I learned how important it is to participate in civic engagement in my High

School government class I have been excited for this responsibility. We learned that is not just

something we get to do, but an absolute responsibility to engage in the American Political

process. As of right now, I don’t particularly take a stand on any specific side of our government,

However, I am extremely grateful that our government is unique in a sense that we preach

equality and follow the strict laws of the constitution which is the highest law in the land. I plan

on spending time between now and the next major election researching and learning about the

candidates and their issues so that I can make the best choices possible. I understand that my

generation will be making the the decisions for the future of the United States and I am taking

that responsibility very seriously.

In conclusion, the American political system is an important matter that we shouldn’t

take for granted, and if you get the opportunity to vote, it is your civic duty to do so.

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