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2nd Class, class: yes, yes

First day of school

Students will understand basic rules, procedures, and consequences of the class

Name Tags on desks, class dojo, construction paper, glue, scissors, google eyes, introduction poster

I will teach the kids class, class: yes, yes

Students will find assigned seats as the walk in. I will first start off by going over the rules poster, this
will include explaining the poster and having kids read the poster. I will then show the kids how we will
walk in the door, turn in papers and retrieve papers and they will do it themselves. They will then fill out
a worksheet about how they like to learn and then we will practice turning in papers. I will then show
them class dojo and tell them about it. I will then show the students where supplies are and then have
them recreate their class dojo monster.
I will show the students how they are suppose to walk into the door every morning

Ask if they understand, ask if there is any questions

Have the kids practice turning in homework

When the students go to work on their monsters they will be following procedures

Katelyn will have a hearing impairment and will wear the hearing aid

Students will clean up their area and write on a piece of paper what they are suppose to do when they
walk into the classroom

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